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Palace of Possibilities™

A traumatic fall from a tree


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Valerie Padley is a client of Deborah Mitnick and, through Deborah, offers this important evidence of the link between a trauma and our physical ailments.

Emma is Valerie's 6 year old niece who was beset with numerous unexplainable pains after a traumatic fall from a tree. Little relief was obtained until Valerie thought to administer EFT. As you will see, the response was immediate.

Valerie's message is appropriately introduced by Deborah Mitnick.

Hugs, Gary


Intro by Deborah Mitnick

Hi, Gary.

The post below comes from my client, Valerie Padley. She's been a student of mine for a number of years. She lives in Texas and came to Baltimore for a few days in 1998 when we addressed her challenges with Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and other Metapsychology methods. But I soon realized the EFT and the other energy techniques would probably work faster and more efficiently for her!

She has always been quick to learn our new techniques! We now work exclusively by phone and by email. Even in email, I'm able to describe a tapping sequence to Val, suggest some set-up phrases and affirmations to her, and she can tap whenever she has the time.

Sometimes we actually dialogue by email. (We haven't as yet used Instant Messenger, but we type so fast, we might as well.) So, in the course of an afternoon, we may have four or five lengthy email exchanges, sometimes involving tapping, and sometimes just involving a dialogue process.

I'm so pleased that Val is using EFT on others! She's very talented with this wonderful method and has helped a lot of people.

Best wishes.

Deborah Mitnick, LCSW-C


By Valerie Padley

Dear Gary,

I am the client of an EFT practitioner, Deborah Mitnick, whom I met in 1998. We did some intensive work together in person at that time, and since then I have consulted with her periodically by phone and email. That work in 1998 was a turning point in my life, and I feel very fortunate to have also had the opportunity on occasion to help members of my family through EFT.

A few months ago, my 6-year-old niece Emma took a traumatic fall in the back yard. She had climbed to the top of a ladder that was leaning against a tree and then grabbed onto a limb just above her head. Emma called to her mother (my sister-in-law Tammy) to say, "Look, Mom!" as she lifted her feet off the ladder and swung out, dangling from the limb. Unfortunately, Emma's hands instantly slipped and she plummeted straight to the ground, landing hard on her bottom. The jolt of the fall knocked out her breath and she lay on the ground and appeared to be unconscious. She was not breathing.

Tammy and my brother Brad raced to her aid; to their horror Emma's lips were turning blue. Brad carried her into the house and lay her down, gently rubbing her chest and saying her name. To their immense relief Emma got her breath back before they had to take more drastic measures, but needless to say it was a traumatic experience for all three of them.

In the ensuing weeks, Emma received many chiropractic adjustments for the jarring blow to her entire spine from the fall. After each adjustment her complaints of pain and soreness would subside, but after a day or two would begin again.

When I saw Emma over the July 4th weekend, she seemed to be fine from all outward appearances, but then a strange drama began to unfold and one which Tammy said was being replayed almost every day. Emma came in the room where Tammy and I were sitting and reported to her mother that her shoulder hurt... a little while later it was her elbow... then her nose... then her leg. As the list of aches accumulated, Tammy said that they could make another visit to the chiropractor after the holiday. Emma said she didn't want to, and went off by herself for a while. Later she appeared again and the litany started once more: "My finger hurts," she told us... a few minutes later, "Mom, it hurts right here," pointing at a tiny spot on her thigh.

As I watched this go on, it slowly dawned on me that the emotional trauma of the fall had never been addressed. The chiropractor had said that she couldn't understand why Emma's adjustments weren't "holding", and now I wondered if the emotions had not yet caught up with the healing of the body.

Tammy is familiar with my tapping experiences and I asked her if I could tap on Emma. Tammy would have tried anything at this point and readily agreed. When a few minutes later Emma came to us and reported that "It hurts here", touching her wrist, I said, "Hey, you know what? I know something that might help that pain go away. It's this funny tapping thing -- you want me to show you?" She nodded tentatively.

First I asked Emma to describe the pain to me so that I'd have some of her own words to work with. Interestingly, she said she couldn't really describe it, that it was "hard to explain". I took her hand and tapped on the side while saying, "Even though you have this pain that's hard to explain, you're okay and everything's okay." (I've never known how to express the idea of deeply and completely accepting oneself when I've tapped on a child, so I just use words like being "okay".) I did the set-up three times while Emma looked at me silently and a little anxiously. It didn't seem necessary to have her repeat the words since she seemed a little uncomfortable anyway. I then tapped the basic points while saying "this hard-to-explain pain" each time. When I was done I asked Emma if the pain was still there. She paused a second, then said no. "Oh, good," I rejoined, giving her a hug, "I'm so glad! Now just tell me if you have any more pains like that and we can do it again."

About five minutes later Emma appeared once more, this time pointing at a spot on her thigh. We tapped again, now for "this pain in your leg", which promptly went away. She left again then returned again, now pointing at another spot, which we again tapped away.

Since she seemed more relaxed and less anxious now, I asked Emma if she could tell me about the fall. I said that maybe we could tap for that too so that any worries she had about it might go away. She grew very still and wide-eyed and said in an awe-struck voice, "I stopped breathing." My instincts told me to just let this moment of her telling and me hearing her "be"... we looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, then I said how scary that must have been for her. I asked if she wanted to tap about that and her whole demeanor changed. "Nah," she said in a skeptical voice, "I don't want to do that tapping stuff any more." I sensed that we had suddenly gotten to the heart of the matter, but of course I didn't press and just said, "Okay!" and off Emma went.

She didn't complain of any pains the rest of that day during our visit. About five days later Tammy called to tell me that Emma had "turned around!" after our tapping day -- no more pains of any kind. Tammy also said Emma just seemed "better" in a general way, relieved, lighter. So far as I know, the result has "stuck".

I know I'm not a trained practitioner and don't claim any expertise, but it's so wonderful to have a tool like EFT to help loved ones in situations like this.

Sincerely, Valerie Padley


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