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Palace of Possibilities™

Borrowing Benefits brings up and collapses the Big One


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Here is a personal case from Baerbel Froehlin, Cht that illustrates a VERY IMPORTANT feature of our Borrowing Benefits procedure. This fascinating technique allows us to tap along with someone on stage (or on one of our specially designed videos sets) and simultaneously collapse our own issues. While this happened for Baerbel, the important feature before us here is that the Borrowing Benefits process also managed to surface a long held sexual abuse issue. For her, it was the Big One. As you will see, it clarified the issue so that it could be handled effectively with EFT. It sometimes takes years of detective work by highly proficient therapists to surface such an important issue. But with Borrowing Benefits, it was done in short order.

Note: Borrowing Benefits is an unusually effective process, but when it brings up intense issues emotional pain can occur. Accordingly, it is best to use Borrowing Benefits in the presence of a skilled professional.


By Baerbel Froehlin Cht

Hi Gary!

Today I found my old notes from the Flagstaff Borrowing Benefits workshop. When I read them once again I became extremely grateful for what you and EFT helped me to get rid of so completely. Therefore I am following my urge to thank you with this letter.

You may or may not remember this but some of the women at my table had severely upsetting issues coming up as we tapped along with what you were doing on stage.

My notes include the issue I tapped on; it was my most intense issue of sexual abuse very early in my life. This issue had been there for many years and didn't budge, as I tried to get through and over it with hypnotherapy.

After 2 or 3 days of Borrowing Benefits, as I tapped along with a 0-10 intensity of 10, not expecting anything to move as usual, I suddenly "saw" clearly in my mind this large black coffin, wrapped in sadness. The coffin contained my parents, the rest of my family and my relationships with all of them. I just knew that in a flash! It was a powerful metaphor that encompassed the entire sexual issue and all its related aspects.

Today I understand; it completely jolted me out of my obviously suppressed emotions. Borrowing Benefits brought up the "Big One" and collapsed it.

I was experiencing the very last scene in my own painful movie. While feeling chaotic emotions and memories washing over me, the black box in my mind suddenly became very small, broke into a thousand pieces and crumbled into dust, disappearing before my eyes. I could hardly breathe at that moment and struggled for something to hold on to. It felt so incredible that finally that blockage had moved.

Eventually I worked with Pat Carrington (thank you, Pat!) during the break to get through my emotional turmoil. She suggested the following:

"Even though I never felt safe enough to get beyond this .... I choose to feel safe enough to begin to open up now"

And so I did. Since that time I have tapped on other events when I didn't feel safe; it suddenly was easier, successful, made more sense. I was able to improve in many areas in my life. Now, looking back again at that day in Flagstaff I understand clearly why so many times we hear from clients that they don't feel or experience anything at all. It's not that they can't feel it, rather, it is that they won't. They have to protect themselves forever from painful memories; the ways of doing that are as many as there are abuse survivors.

My own experience has definitely helped me to see more clearly through my clients' issues. The combination of EFT and hypnotherapy I use has shown to be very efficient, especially for deep rooted and emotionally painful problems as in abuse cases. The release can be facilitated without the pain of reliving everything. EFT enables us to move through with the speed of lightning!

I'd like to encourage all abuse survivors out there to not ever give up. As long as you can apply EFT there is hope!

Thanks again, Gary. Love to you all.

Baerbel Froehlin, CHt./HypnoCoach


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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