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Overview #2: Intro To ERASING And REPLACING Those Consistent Thoughts That Have Become Your Reality.

Our Latest Expansion: EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) contain the prolific ERASERS for EVERYTHING.

Since our consistent thoughts become our reality, we must now explore how we can ERASE our current limiting thoughts so we can REPLACE them with the expansive new ones that will form the sparkly new you.

As you learned from the BIG PICTURE article on our Home Page, both EFT Tapping and OEFT (The Unseen Therapist) are prolific and efficient ERASERS for limiting thoughts. I designed these processes beginning in 1995 and they have since revolutionized our conventional therapy procedures. They are in use by millions of people worldwide and versions of them are contained in over 1,000 books on Amazon.

Properly done, what used to take weeks, months or years to ERASE negative thinking from the Writing On Your Walls can now often be done in minutes, hours or sessions (depending on the complexity). This includes the most horrific traumatic memories from war, childhood abuse, sexual abuse and more as well as milder limiting experiences that limit your relationships, finances, performance and every aspect of your life.


And ANYONE CAN LEARN TO DO THEM. The only requirements are that (1) you can read the instructions and (2) you practice them. That's it. About 50% of our students are health professionals. The other 50% are self-helpers with no formal health training whatsoever.

Where To From Here?: Complete instructions for every nuance of these ERASERS is given in the TRAINING segment of the menu at the top of this page. But you are not ready for that yet. For now, return to the OVERVIEW segment of the above menu and spend quality time with the next article.

Option A - EFT: Next is an intro video to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)… often called EFT Tapping. You should find it eye opening, if not stunning.

Option B - Optimal EFT: Next is a video (one of hundreds) giving you some insight into the powerful use of Optimal EFT (featuring The Unseen Therapist). Please note that Bobbe and I aimed at underlying emotional CAUSES to both the severe numbness in her hands and her Asthma. This refreshing approach can be useful for almost any disease or ailment you can name. And you can learn to use it for yourself and others. That's why you are here.

And below is a link to countless more features (examples, articles and videos) about our spiritually oriented Optimal EFT advancement. You can spend endless hours exploring all these features, including:

  • "Impossible" Healings,

  • The Unseen Therapist at Work,

  • Results,

  • NewThink,

  • Questions & Answers,

  • More.

At this point, spend as little or as much time as you choose with these features. You will be exposed to this material often throughout the Palace of Possibilities.

There are two ways to do this. Both can work well independently but together they can be magical.

Method #1 to ERASE and REPLACE: This one is common sense; simply condition your thoughts by repeated affirmations and/or imaginations about the sparkly new you.

This fits beautifully within our Palace of Possibilities ideas because the repetition of these thoughts can override your existing "limits" with new consistent thoughts. Over time, of course, this overriding does the ERASING while the new consistent thought automatically REPLACES the old (fading) one. Thus, your new reality emerges.

I use both affirmations and imagination but since some people have difficulty with imagination, I will focus more on affirmations in this Intro. I will, however, also discuss imagination in many of the specific articles that populate this Palace of Possibilities website.

How To Form Proper Affirmations/imaginations: Here are the guidelines for best results…

  • It should be stated/imagined in the present tense… as though it is happening now, not sometime in the future. Thus an affirmation/imagination like, "I now weigh X" is much better than, "I will weigh X."

  • It should be repeated at least once per hour. The more often the better. Best to develop habits for this to trigger your newly conditioned thought. For example: every time you sit down in a chair, walk into another room, eat, drink, turn left or right, switch channels on the TV… and so on. You can also add a timer (such as on a smartphone app) that provides an alarm trigger every 30 to 60 minutes. Spend some quality "really getting into it" at bedtime, when arising, or when free moments occur during your day.

  • It must be a WANT and not a SHOULD. If you truly WANT this… great. But if you are pursuing it because your brother thinks you SHOULD then your motivation is not fully in place and your results may fall short.

  • It must be BELIEVABLE TO YOU. If you are affirming/imagining, "I earn, easily and consistently, ten million dollars a minute," that may be so far out of your belief system that your system will consider it "impossible" and the whole effort will go nowhere (because the tail-enders will dominate). Best to start with something that your belief system considers doable like, "I earn, easily and consistently, [20% more than I currently earn]. Once you achieve that, another 20% becomes more doable. And so it goes.

  • Finally, it is best to start specific so you can build successes along the way. An affirmation/imagination like, "I win every golf tournament in sight" may be too broad and too early. But "My drives are free flowing and done with ease" are much more achievable for now.

Missing puzzle piece

The Missing Piece: Some readers may recognize echoes of the Law of Attraction within our Palace of Possibilities. This would be true. The idea of manifesting new levels within your life by thinking differently is a centuries old concept. However, many people have failed in these efforts because there is often a MISSING PIECE within the method… namely… the new thought can have competitive thoughts (I call them "tail-enders"). When present, they must be dealt with (see below). Otherwise, this magnificent, common sense process will likely fail.

A Weight Example: Here's an example of what I mean. Let's say a 200 pound woman chooses to use an affirmation/imagination aimed at weighing 130. She might approach it something like this...

"My normal weight is 130 pounds and that's what I weigh."

Feet standing on a weighing scale

The logic here is that if she keeps repeating that thought she will perform a form of mental conditioning and thus ERASE and REPLACE her former view of herself. As a result, she will begin to see herself differently and will naturally adjust her food intake and exercise habits to permanently achieve this new weight level. Properly done, there would be no will power involved. Her life habits would simply evolve to reflect someone who behaved as a 130 pound woman.

I know this can work because I did it myself. In my late twenties, I lost 30 pounds (from 190) by consistently repeating an affirmation that said... "My normal weight is 160 pounds and that's what I weigh." Within 6 months, and without a formal diet or will power, I reached 160 and had all my clothes taken in. My weight today is 163. It is inconceivable to me that I would weigh 190 again. My vision of myself as a 160 pound person is part of those "consistent thoughts that have become my reality."

I also used an affirmation to stairstep my income in the 1960's from $18,000 per year to over $400,000. Again, no will power was involved. Nor did I work longer hours. I was a life insurance salesman and began calling on wealthier clients who I previously perceived as "bigger than me." They bought larger policies. Simple as that.


Again, Affirmations/Imaginations May Have Competition - The Tail Enders: But many people don't have my experience. Why? Because the affirmation they are stating is not the "true" affirmation. You see, the desired thought often has competition within the person's system. As indicated above, that competing thought gets tagged on at the tail end of the desired one in a subtle, yet powerful, way and becomes the "true" affirmation. For example, our 200 pound woman who says, "My normal weight is 130 pounds and that's what I weigh" may have one or more "tail enders" show up at the end of her desired thought. They might go like this...

  • "But if I lose weight, others will expect me to keep it off."

  • "But if I lose weight, I will have to spend a lot of money for new clothes."

  • "But if I lose weight, men will hit on me and expect sex."

  • "But if I lose weight, men won't hit on me and then I will know I'm not loveable.

  • "But if I lose weight, I will have to give up my favorite foods."

This list of tail enders is endless. These are just examples. They are not spoken or articulated, of course, but are subtle (and powerful) reflections of the existing obstacles for losing weight. Can they be eventually overridden by the persistent use of the new conditioned thought?


However, it's a rare person who will keep up this persistence when dominant tail-enders are present. Why? Because first, they are not seeing any immediate results and, second, they feel uncomfortable with the emotional discord that goes on between the desired thought and the competing tail enders. They often conclude that they are lying to themselves and just give up.

There remains, however, no question that properly installed affirmations work very powerfully. The only trick here is to make sure that the desired thought that you really want is the true affirmation/imagination (and not a tail-ender). You will see this play out in the many articles and examples contained in this Palace of Possibilities website.

Method #2 to ERASE and REPLACE: Within this second method you have two options, namely:

  1. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

  2. Optimal EFT (OEFT)

I designed these processes beginning in 1995 and they have since revolutionized our conventional therapy procedures. They are in use by millions of people worldwide and versions of them are contained in over 1,000 books on Amazon. Properly done, what used to take weeks, months or years to ERASE negative thinking can now often be done in minutes, hours or sessions (depending on the complexity).

And ANYONE CAN LEARN TO DO THEM. The only requirements are that (1) you can read the instructions and (2) you practice them. That's it. About 50% of our students are health professionals. The other 50% are self-helpers with no formal health training whatsoever.

I have dedicated an entire website (https://www.emofree.com) to them which you will see frequently referenced in this Palace of Possibilities website (no need to go there now). They are a perfect companion to the Palace of Possibilities which, together, can ERASE and REPLACE even your most stubborn "limits" so that the sparkly new you can emerge naturally.

They work differently than Method #1 in that they don't install anything. Rather, they are superb tools for ERASING the negative so that the sparkly new you naturally bubbles up from within and REPLACES your previous consistent thoughts.

Option A - EFT: Next is an intro video to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)… often called EFT Tapping. You should find it eye opening, if not stunning.

Option B - Optimal EFT: Next is a video (one of hundreds) giving you some insight into the powerful use of Optimal EFT (featuring The Unseen Therapist). Please note that Bobbe and I aimed at underlying emotional CAUSES to both the severe numbness in her hands and her Asthma. This refreshing approach can be useful for almost any disease or ailment you can name. And you can learn to use it for yourself and others. That's why you are here.

And below is a link to countless more features (examples, articles and videos) about our spiritually oriented Optimal EFT advancement. You can spend endless hours exploring all these features, including:

  • "Impossible" Healings,

  • The Unseen Therapist at Work,

  • Results,

  • NewThink,

  • Questions & Answers,

  • More.

At this point, spend as little or as much time as you choose with these features. You will be exposed to this material often throughout the Palace of Possibilities.

Finally, here is a summary of our major topics:

Health & Emotions: As indicated above, this is an entirely different approach to our well-being and comes to you through the refreshing beliefs of an engineer (Stanford, 1962), rather than those of a conventionally trained doctor or therapist. Instead of focusing on SYMPTOMS we aim at the EMOTIONAL CAUSES of your ailment(s). That's why we often get results where nothing else will. No drugs or surgeries are ever required. It may take you a while to shift your thinking in this direction but, once you do, wide vistas open for you.

This vastly simplifies our health system as you know it and, as you will see, boils the whole conventional health establishment down to one statement, namely...

There iI One Natural Remedy For Everything.

This approach sees no need for hundreds or thousands of labels to describe our diseases. The CAUSE for just about every disease, as we see it, comes from within and so does the REMEDY. The evidence for this, as you will see, is obvious in the numerous cases displayed in our materials.

Money & Business: There are two factors necessary for money & business success:

  1. How to select, advertise and promote your product or service. While there are many books on this topic, I will give you creative methods that can move you into NEW TERRITORY.

  2. How to get your own "emotional stoppers" out of the way. Here we will be engaging several ways to ERASE and REPLACE those often hidden thoughts, beliefs and emotions that keep you from releasing your money Genie. You likely have a lot more than you think. I will show you how to find them.

Performance: I know many athletes and performers of every kind. In fact, I am one of them and have used these methods to be offered full football scholarships to 22 different major universities... even though I only weighed 165 pounds (75 kg). I chose Stanford.

These methods apply to golfers, tennis players, all sports, singers, entertainers, speakers, salespeople etc. And all of them will tell you (even professionals and Olympic record holders) that they have even higher potential within. However, they will also tell you that that extra level is mental. "It is in my head," they will say.

But then, you already know that, don't you?

In this topic, you will locate those "emotional performance bandits" so you can ERASE and REPLACE them to boost your sales, sing that higher note, lower your golf score, improve your overhead tennis smash, raise your basketball free throw percentage and on and on and on.

Inspiration: I am an avid student of A Course In Miracles (ACIM), an astounding set of revelations that, in my opinion, is the most exquisite literature ever created. It is, however, challenging reading and is not for everyone.

It is largely non-denominational and is loaded with stunning, thought provoking ideas that are likely to appeal to just about everyone. I will expand on these from time to time to augment the other topics. They are optional, of course, and not required.

Everything Else: Most topics fall into the categories above. If you have one that doesn't, JUST ASK. (see below to Contact Gary).

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