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NOTE: In addition to the below list, try using our Search Box at the top of this (and every) page. Enter Keywords or Phrases (like spiritual, A Course In Miracles, ACIM, God, Allah, etc. etc. It will search through thousands of possibilities and present you with a list of articles containing those (and similar) terms. Cool. Efficient. RECOMMENDED.

  • 11 Art of Delivery Videos - Full Sessions on Challenging Issues - LEARN MORE
    11 more full video sessions wherein I deliver EFT Tapping successfully to erase underlying contributing emotions behind some very challenging issues. The sessions are instructional, entertaining and inspirational. Also, you can use the above Borrowing Benefits shortcut on each of these to gain personal benefits for yourself. In fact, you can use that useful shortcut on all of the videos listed in this entire EFT Tapping section. Below are the issues covered. Please note that we use the same approach for everything. That's why EFT is known as a Universal Healing Aid. Hepatitis C/vaginal issues Mother issues Head injury Cystic Fibrosis War trauma Childhood abuse Neuropathy Sexual abuse Breast cancer Prostrate cancer CFIDS
  • Surrogate EFT - LEARN MORE
    WE ARE ALL CONNECTED and that is what allows you and me to tap on ourselves in behalf of another person while s/he gets a result. In this section you will find 5 in-depth, full video sessions where I use EFT Tapping to bring benefits to people who are unable (or unwilling) to participate in the session. Fascinating. Watch VERY challenging issues melt away. Victoria: Her mother's Dementia issue Howard: His son's behavior issues Betsy: Her ankle and other issues Bobbi: Her back pain issue Dusty: Her son's issue with Down Syndrome and Autism Below, for your review, are the intro paragraphs for each of the sessions. Bobbi: Surrogate EFT For a Physical Issue. Bobbi comes on stage with substantial back pain. She and I then have a session wherein I tap on myself for her back pain (she never taps at all). I use several surrogate approaches and the pain vanishes. This is glowing evidence that we are somehow connected because, without such a connection, this result would be impossible. Betsy: Surrogate EFT For Physical and Emotional Issues. In this 2 part session, Betsy comes on stage with one physical and one emotional issue. The audience and I then question her about the details of these issues after which she leaves the room for 15 minutes. Then the audience and I tap for her issues outside of her awareness. When she returns, the issues are gone. Study these videos carefully because they point to extraordinary new levels of healing. Howard: Surrogate EFT For His Son's Behavior Issues. In this video I teach Howard, from New Zealand, how to do Surrogate EFT by tapping on himself for his young son's behavior issues. As you will see in the follow-up, it was highly successful. The tips I give Howard are easily transferable for your own use. Dusty: Surrogate EFT For Her Son's Down Syndrome & Autism Issues. In this video I teach Dusty how to do Surrogate EFT by tapping on herself for her young son's severe behavior issues emanating from his Down Syndrome and Autism. This is a severe case and puts Surrogate EFT to a demanding test. Nonetheless, as you will see in the follow-up, it was highly successful. The tips I give Dusty are easily transferable for your own use. Victoria: Surrogate EFT For Her Mother's Dementia Issues. Victoria's mother has advanced dementia and is incapable of participating in an EFT session. Accordingly, in this video, I use Victoria as a surrogate stand-in for her mother. As you will see, it is suspected that her mother underwent childhood sexual abuse and that THAT is behind many of her behavior issues. To complicate matters further, we had to guess at the details of the sexual abuse, hoping that we were on target with our use of Surrogate EFT. After this one session, Victoria reports that the behavior issues were 75% improved.
  • Emotional Overeating - LEARN MORE
    5 full sessions with 5 different people that aim at erasing the underlying causes for overweight issues. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete. Also includes Borrowing Benefits Instructions for your personal use on this topic. To give you a sense of the content of these sessions, below are my notes for my session with MaryPat. Gary's notes to MaryPat's session. These notes will help you locate specific sections for subsequent reviews. They also point you to the tap along portions so you can conveniently repeat the Borrowing Benefits tapping as often as you like. 0:25 Intro. The EFT approach can help not only her overweight issue but also her Fibromyalgia, Depression and other issues. We discuss her expectations about this session. 6:48 Looking for Specific Events. Deaths in the family. Discuss when the overeating began. Critical mother. Father more loving. Father, Great Aunt and 2 Grandmothers were heavy AND loving. Being overweight means love. Difficulty in finding Specific Events with emotional charges. 19:55 Using a global approach to open doors (because charged Specific Events are hard to find). 22:51 Tap along. New thoughts came up during this tapping round. 25:38 Tap along. 28:18 Tap along. Then a discussion about weight and love. 30:05 Tap along. Then a discussion about being thin may be even more equivalent to love. Her mother was more proud of her when she was thin. But mother was critical and this may motivate Mary Pat to resist looking like her thin mother. The push and pull. Pushing away from mother and being pulled toward the loving overweight relatives. Also, a discussion about the consequences for losing weight and a discussion about some people who cannot lose weight even though they are on a low calorie diet (1,000 to 1,200 calories per day). 48:43 Tap along. 49:44 Tap along.
  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - LEARN MORE
    6 discussions with experts in this field. Joan Kaylor gives first class insights Dr. Constance Wells brings relief to a complicated OCD case via a kidnapping event. Dr. Constance Wells brings relief to severe OCD for a 16 year old boy. Dr. Constance Wells helps 7 year old boy with major OCD symptoms. Dr. Constance Wells provides relief for a long standing "OCD for dirt" issue. Dr. Constance Wells: Overview of her highly successful OCD approaches.
  • The Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tapping Tutorial - LEARN MORE
    This is the must have solid foundation for EFT Tapping. It is up-to-date, complete and replaces all other books, manuals, etc. on this subject. Clear videos and diagrams take you through every step of the process. Parts I and II give all the basics for beginners in easy-to-understand language and videos. Parts III, IV and V take you as high up the advanced ladder as you choose to go. Learn techniques not taught in prestigious universities or medical schools. Proceed at your own pace. No deadlines. To give you further insights into the gems in the tutorial, here is the Table of Contents... TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE TUTORIAL INTRO Welcome to the Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tapping Tutorial BEFORE YOU BEGIN About those EFT Tapping Spin-offs: A Candid Discussion An Open Letter A Priceless Gift A Note To Researchers A Note On Commercial Uses PART I FOR EVERYONE: THE EFT TAPPING BASICS Using EFT Tapping For Yourself Using EFT Tapping Professionally What Is EFT Tapping? - Theory, Science and Uses How To Do The EFT Tapping Basics - The Basic Recipe The EFT Tapping Constricted Breathing Technique Are You Satisfied With 20% of EFT Tapping's Possibilities? Strategies For Getting Started: Pain, Personal Peace, Physical Disease and More The Pros and Perils of EFT Tapping Scripts What Can I Expect From EFT Tapping? PART II FOR EVERYONE: GETTING TO THE ROOTS OF YOUR EFT TAPPING ISSUES? Intro To Part II Finding Aspects Within The EFT Tapping Process Intro To Being Specific With EFT Tapping Testing Your EFT Tapping Work - The Triad Uncovering Specific Events - An Essential Concept Within The EFT Tapping Process The EFT Tell The Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping Method What Should I Say During The EFT Tapping Process? The EFT Tapping Generalization Effect - A Big Step Toward Tapping Efficiency The EFT Tapping Personal Peace Procedure When To Use Global Approaches In The EFT Tapping Process The EFT Tapping Success Strategy PART III - ADVANCED: ADDITIONAL TAPPING TOOLS & REFINEMENTS Intro To Part III The EFT Tapping Movie Technique - A Useful Tapping Tool The EFT Tapping Tearless Trauma Technique Chasing The Pain - Deeper EFT Tapping Relief Cognitive Shifts - Belief Changes Within EFT Tapping Common EFT Tapping Challenges Emphasizing The Words - More Tapping Power When Needed Advanced Testing Techniques Testing The Table Top Before You Move On To Deeper EFT Tapping Work PART IV - ADVANCED: TAPPING DEEPER INTO EMOTIONAL ISSUES Intro To Part IV The Writing On Our Walls - An Important EFT Concept From The Writing On Our Walls To Table Tops The Writing On Our Walls In Practice Detective Work Within The EFT Tapping Process PART V - ADVANCED: POLISHING THE PROCESS & EXPANDING THE LANGUAGE Intro To Part V Customizing Your Setup Phrases During Tapping Using Positive Phrases Reframing - Another Way To See Things Through Tapping Using Intuition In The Tapping Process Using Rambling Language In The Tapping Process Using EFT Tapping For Serious Diseases EFT BONUS ARTICLES Borowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With Live Sessions Surrogate EFT Tapping Evening EFT Tapping For Children Improve Performance With EFT Tapping ​
  • Pain Management - Getting to the Cause - LEARN MORE
    7 full sessions with me that are aimed at bringing down major pain. The approach used here is the same as for all pains. We frequently use specific events and proper testing as we proceed. This gives you an excellent dose of both these techniques. Included are my notes so your understanding will be more complete. Also included are the Borrowing Benefits prompts for your personal use on this topic. Tricia: Part 1 Tricia: Part 2 Tricia: Part 3 Tricia: Part 4 Anne: Part 1 Anne: Part 2 Anne: Part 3
  • Marketing Tips & Treasures - LEARN MORE
    This is a 6 part, full day video workshop on marketing for EFT Tapping professionals. To give you a sense of the quality of these sessions, here are my notes from the first part... Part 1 Of Our Marketing Tips & Treasures This is the introduction to our day long workshop and sets the stage for what's to come. Here are some highlights: Why can we do more business with ethical marketing practices than with the hype, overselling and/or clever advertising words that are so prevalent in marketing? Properly done, ethical marketing practices will generate more clients than you can possibly handle. Who may be the best marketer of our time? Oprah. Why? She is BELIEVABLE. How I grew EFT from zero followers to millions without advertising or hype of any kind. Central to believability is Product Congruence. Generating congruence with what your product will and will not do. Audience discussions.
  • 11 Borrowing Benefits Videos - An Easy Way To Gain Benefits While Learning Your Skills - LEARN MORE
    11 full sessions that are specially designed for you to "tap along" with me and the onstage client to gain benefits for yourself. This can happen even though you may not have the same issue details as the onstage client. We call this Easy EFT or Borrowing Benefits and you can learn to do this in a morning. Very popular shortcut. Full instructions included. Great for beginners who don't want to learn all the details. Session topics include... Couples counseling Putting oneself forward Repressed memory "I must fix the world" Money blocks Molestation "I don't want to dance" "I could never do anything right" Social discomfort Claustrophobia Fear of making presentations
  • A Challenging Case - Grief - LEARN MORE
    22 sessions with Nancy: a very challenging case with many underlying emotional causes. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete. To give you a sense of the quality involved, below are my notes from session 1 (Included). Nancy: Session 1 Highlights of this session (Gary's notes) Daughter Rachel died 4 or 5 years ago of a drug overdose. Nancy blames herself and cries often about it. Has persistent anxiety for which she takes Xanax. Symptoms: Handwriting changed Suffocating feeling Out of body experiences Sights and Sounds magnified Persistent Nausea Tightness in chest Throat Constriction Intense Sadness Cloud Repeats her daughter’s voice 30 or 40 times per day. “Momma get ahold on me.” She was in tears right away so I did many (6 or 7) global rounds to take the edge off. Newbie to EFT Tapping so I had to explain the idea of it (stimulating meridians like short circuits in a radio—zzzzzt). Also, I chose the physical route to reduce the emotions with focus on reducing nausea, throat constriction, tightness in chest. These all went to zero. Using Tearless Trauma Technique. The guess started at a 10 for the “I hate you” movie (she said this to her daughter in a fit of anger at age 5 and thinks that’s why Rachel got into drugs) and came down very slowly. Many, many rounds and more efforts at the physical door. Eventually, she was able to tell the entire story (never able to do that before) with some intensity but hard to tell if it was “normal” intensity or not. Also, “I feel so guilty” came down from a high level (probably a 10) to around a 3.
  • Fear of Public Speaking - LEARN MORE
    3 full sessions with Cheryl that erase this common fear. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete. Also includes Borrowing Benefits Instructions for your personal use on this topic. My notes for the first session: She had intensity and sweaty palms right away. Estimated at a 6 intensity. So we did some immediate tapping to take the edge off. Sweaty palms become a barometer or symptom of the issue. During public speaking circumstances she gets foggy headed, can’t see properly, can’t breathe well, disconnects and starts shaking. Her thought of “being seen” through this video gave her sweaty palms. Thought of being seen is a central issue. We discuss exploring the issue and going in and out of doors to see what works. Exploring the door of being seen. We discussed an event where she had a difficult time approaching her father with a topic (around age 19). She then talks about “pushing through” her fear of public speaking and I give her the EFT perspective where this is not necessary. Back to father, I mention that there may be some perceived consequence or penalty re: approaching her father. She says penalty was rejection, abandonment, not being accepted. When was first time she had this feeling? Could not recall specifically. I am proceeding anyway with the father episode even though it may not be foundational. Perhaps she will recall things in the process. Perhaps this will take us someplace else. Looking for a crescendo within this 7 minute movie. On testing by running the movie she couldn’t access it because she knew she was being taped and was feeling uncomfortable. We then did some EFT on this. She could then access it (success) but it was too painful to go there in any depth. She doesn’t want to deal with this on camera because she would be seen to be emotional, crying, etc. So I stopped the recording to deal with it off-camera. For Borrowing Benefits, the actual tapping rounds can be found at: 0 min. 49 sec.19 min. 54 sec.
  • The SHIFT Method - A Useful Shortcut - LEARN MORE
    This is a do-it-yourself shortcut method that conveniently embodies most of the High-End concepts in this advancement. You need only follow along with two recorded sessions while plugging in your own issue. Full instructions included. Highly useful without needing to learn and master the details above. Ideal for beginners. Many people report impressive results. Benefits No issue is too big or too small for this process. Advanced techniques are automatically applied to your issue(s) without needing detailed explanation. Gives you invaluable experience in communicating directly with The Unseen Therapist. It's an automatic part of the process. Provides a solid entry into the more masterful levels of the Full Course. Eases you into difficult and traumatic memories so that intensity is minimized. HOWEVER, a few percent of our population are so emotionally frail that they shouldn't attempt ANY therapeutic process without the presence and guidance of a skilled professional. If you are among them or if you find this process creating unwanted intensity, please avoid this process and seek the guidance of a skilled professional. Borrows from a highly successful advertising technique which, when blended with The Unseen Therapist, can produce unparalleled results.
  • 30 Advanced Lessons - LEARN MORE
    These take you by the hand and ease you into deeper and deeper levels of this very High-End process. Go as far as you wish. Here for your review, are the titles of the Advanced Lessons. #1: Intro and Lesson 1. #2: Entering a Loving Moment and Reducing "Mind Chatter." #3: Expanding on Specific Events - Finding Aspects. #4: Expanding on Specific Events - Bouncing Off Foundational Issues. #5: Expanding on Specific Events - Table Top/Table Legs Metaphor. #6: The Generalization Effect. #7: How to find specific events underlying emotional issues. #8: How to find specific events underlying physical ailments. #8a: Aiming at physical symptoms. #9: Resentments. #10: Asking The Unseen Therapist for Essential Issues. #11: The Tearless Trauma Technique for intense issues. #12: Testing Your Work - Measuring Your Success. #13: Expanding on Specific Events - Association and Dissociation. #14: How does the ailment benefit you? #15: The Tell the Story Technique - A useful method for finding details. #16: Chasing the pain. #17: Everyone Has The Same Issues. #18: Working one-on-one - The counselor/client relationship. #19: Common challenges - The non-feeling person. #20: Common challenge - When you can't find a specific event. #21: Common challenge - Client can't isolate one event out of many similar circumstances. #22: Common challenge - When someone “feels worse” after a session. #23: Common challenge - Meltdowns or abreactions. #24: One person performs the process surrogately for another. #25: Conversational EFT. #26: One person provides surrogate benefits for an entire group of people. #27: A group working for an individual - everyone wins. #28: Groups Working for the Whole Group - everyone wins. #29: Reframing – the ultimate art. #30: EFT Tapping.
  • The Unseen Therapist Intro e-Book - LEARN MORE
    This is the foundation for OEFT. It contains the theory in easy-to-understand terms as well as some extraordinary benefits and useful intro techniques. Videos included. For your perusal, below is the e-book's Table of Contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRO Here Begins The Unseen Therapist Intro E-Book MEET THE UNSEEN THERAPIST Who Is The Unseen Therapist? A Few Examples From My Students More On The Unseen Therapist The Bridge To The Ultimate Reality NEWTHINK: #1 THROUGH #3 NewThink Intro NewThink #1: We Don't Know The True Cause Of Our Ailments NewThink #2: True Cause = Negative Emotions Introducing Gabrielle Rutten, MD NewThink #3: There Is One Natural Remedy For Everything A PEEK AT THE POSSIBILITIES Intro Isabel Vagos Sheri Baker 1 Sheri Baker 2 Gabrielle Rutten, MD Dr. Isabel Reis Claudia Logan, RN Gabriele Rother Taye Bela Corby Diane von der Weid Armelle Moneger Patricia Huyn Van Phuong Robert Rother Alain von der Weid Helen Blom Joanna Czaijkowska Jacqui Halstead Bianca von Heiroth Linda Carr Kay Christopher Diane Roy NEWTHINK: #4 THROUGH #7 NewThink #4: We Must Finally Listen To What Science Has Been Telling Us For Decades Basic Science: Our Senses Deceive Us. The World Is NOT How It Appears Quantum Physics: The Advanced Science That Destroys Every Belief We Have All Of Our Beliefs Are Open To Question NewThink #5: We Must Also Listen To The Volumes Of Spiritual Evidence My Visit With The Divine Oneness And Other Features Of This Unspeakable Grandeur The Spiritual Experiences Of Others NewThink #6: The Unseen Therapist Is Ultimately The Only True Healer Message From The Unseen Therapist To You NewThink #7: We Have Only One Challenge THE PERSONAL PEACE PROCEDURE Step-By-Step Through The Personal Peace Procedure The Personal Peace Procedure On A List Of Specific Events CLOSING Where To From Here?
  • 170 Recorded Webinars - LEARN MORE
    Over 200 intriguing hours of video Q&A between myself, students and experts. They cover just about every topic imaginable and display time stamps so you can go right to topics of interest. Surprising material. In-depth. Entertaining. Often inspirational.
  • 64 Self-Help Sessions - LEARN MORE
    My IN-DEPTH sessions with these diverse people are loaded with thoroughness tips, artistic reframes and other teaching diamonds you won't find anywhere else. They also demonstrate our well-known mantra that, "Everyone has the same issues, only the details are different." Accordingly, you are likely to find your own issues reflected herein. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Sessions with Sandi on multiple issues. As you will see, Sandi had been dealing with numerous anxiety-related issues as well as IBS, Migraine headaches, Asthma and Eczema for many years. Behind all these ailments was an abusive past, a violent father and consistent conditioning that she was "bad," "naughty," etc. We address, of course, her underlying emotional issues and, as a result, her physical ailments fade. Each of the sessions contains one or more visits with The Unseen Therapist as well as artistic reframes. 4 Sessions with Gary W on vision issues. As you will see in these video sessions, we sometimes aim The Unseen Therapist (whom Gary prefers to call Quan Yin, a spiritual presence of his own preference) at the symptoms and, at other times, we aim at the emotionally charged specific events that we suspect may be the underlying cause. At the end we have great success. 7 Sessions with Bobbe on a mystery issue. Bobbe experienced an unexplained overwhelming emotional crisis (crying, shaking, abreaction) and asked me for help. Finding the underlying cause took quite a bit of digging and, along the way, a chronic cough provided helpful clues. These "mystery issues" happen to many others and finding relief for them often seems elusive... at least if you are using conventional methods. Not so, with Optimal EFT. 9 Sessions with Doug on a rejection issue. Doug had severe difficulty mingling in social situations, especially when conversing with ladies. The core of this came from childhood where he had father-anger issues and was often ignored by his school peers and others. We also dealt successfully over the death of a dog, Ozzie. 2 Sessions with Sharon on a childhood sexual abuse issue. Sharon experienced childhood sexual abuse and repressed it until age 43. The memories then showed up and caused her great discomfort. Many reframes and Unseen Therapist sessions help bring her resolution. 8 Sessions with Maite on multiple issues. These sessions with Maite bring substantial relief to five pages she presented regarding serious issues (three pages for physical symptoms and two pages for emotional concerns). Note that (1) we aim almost exclusively at emotional causes and (2) we use ONLY The Unseen Therapist for resolution of the many issues. Many reframes are threaded throughout the sessions. 5 Sessions with Carole for anxiety relief. Carole had worked with EFT Tapping regarding her major anxiety issue but had gone essentially nowhere. This, to me, became an obvious opportunity to experiment with Optimal EFT. I say experiment because these videos occurred in the early years of Optimal EFT when I hadn't yet come up with the name, The Unseen Therapist. That's why, in these sessions, we call on "Source" or "Higher Intelligence." As you will see, the "experiment" paid off. 14 Sessions with Marcia on her low energy. Marcia, age 70, was lethargic with low energy and had been so for many years. In fact, her energy was so low she was worried any session over 20 minutes would cause her to physically "tank" and take her several days to recover. Her physicians diagnosed her with extreme Adrenal Fatigue although, for our purposes, the diagnosis does not matter. The low energy can come from ANY diagnosis. This is because the approach I used with Marcia is valid for all issues, regardless of their label. That is one of the remarkable features of this process. 15 Sessions with "Carol" for VERY SEVERE CHILDHOOD TRAUMA. Here are her comments after the sessions. "The positive changes have been incredible. I've felt ways I didn't know existed for me. "Anyway, it felt like just PEACE, not just, but PEACE. A sense of faith in life maybe? It wasn't bliss of excitement, but more something I could take for granted would be ever present. Like I was connected to a sense of solidarity that was mine and mine alone. That feels like self trust - and more - I've never really felt like I've been allowed to have a part of myself that belonged just to me... that's priceless. "I feel more in my body, more connected to my body. "I'm grounded and feel a zest for life. Like I want to make up for lost time over the years. "I have more enthusiasm for things too. It's subtle, but powerful. "I can feel Her (The Unseen Therapist) deeply, like in my bones deep. She "swoops" in and fills me entirely, beyond body alone and I feel a sensation of deep and abiding peace. For those moments that I am totally held by Her, all is well and all always will be well. No doubt, no fear, just peace and love. Nothing for me to do. I'm not to do the healing but allow it as much as I can. It's beautiful. "I couldn't believe something [so awful] that felt that true and intense could have gone in seconds. But it's gone."
  • Tips, Hints and More - LEARN MORE
    These articles will expand your knowledge still further. OEFT From A Prevention Point Of View The Unseen Therapist Shows Belynda A "New Mother" Vision Ways To Address The Association/Dissociation Issue Major Unseen Therapist Relief: Gluten, Dairy And Tendonitis How To Address A Remaining Global Unrest Annie's Mother Issues, "Being Perfect" & Followup videos Followup On Andre's Remarkable Progress - Addiction, Patience, OCD, Vision, Travel, Traffic And More Results For Menstruation, Fever, Kidney Issues, And Back Pains Surrogate OEFT By Practice Group Collapses Big Time Pain ‍When The Client Has No Intensity On A Past Specific Event... Francoise's Pain Disappears With "Webinar Help" Practice Group Brings New Insights The Unseen Therapist Helps Avoid Surgery For Carpal Tunnel HomoSexual Addiction Creates Pointers To Essential Issues Creating A Heavenly Habit Taking The Edge Off Of Severe Traumas Are We Really Listening To The Unseen Therapist? The Empath Issue: A Possible Solution Discovering "Hidden Emotions" The Unseen Therapist Brings Relief For The Empath Issue Diligence With Immerse-ucation Pays Big Benefits "I Blame Myself For My Existence" - Is It Logical? What If One Has No CURRENT Intensity On A Past Specific Event? A Shortcut To Enlightenment? Two Clever Ways For Finding Foundational Issues Sheri Baker 2-2-2020 Webinar Orientation Who Will I Be When I Stop Hurting? What About My Son's "Fetus Shock" in the Womb? What If I Don't Have 0-10 Intensity On Past Specific Events? What About Money Issues Passed Down Over Generations? Sharon Clegg's ACIM Interview Am I Using OEFT Too Much? How To End A Session When The Client Becomes Upset At The End? "I Must Do Things Right" About Guilt And Being A Disappointment Wisdom From The Unseen Therapist Enhancing Love Exploratory questions to ask new clients
    About those EFT Tapping Spin-offs: A Candid Discussion An Open Letter A Priceless Gift A Note To Researchers A Note On Commercial Uses
    Borowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With Live Sessions Surrogate EFT Tapping Evening EFT Tapping For Children Improve Performance With EFT Tapping
    Intro To Part IV The Writing On Our Walls - An Important EFT Concept From The Writing On Our Walls To Table Tops The Writing On Our Walls In Practice Detective Work Within The EFT Tapping Process
    Intro To Part II Finding Aspects Within The EFT Tapping Process Intro To Being Specific With EFT Tapping Testing Your EFT Tapping Work - The Triad Uncovering Specific Events - An Essential Concept Within The EFT Tapping Process The EFT Tell The Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping Method What Should I Say During The EFT Tapping Process? The EFT Tapping Generalization Effect - A Big Step Toward Tapping Efficiency The EFT Tapping Personal Peace Procedure When To Use Global Approaches In The EFT Tapping Process The EFT Tapping Success Strategy
    Welcome to the Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tapping Tutorial
    Intro To Part V Customizing Your Setup Phrases During Tapping Using Positive Phrases Reframing - Another Way To See Things Through Tapping Using Intuition In The Tapping Process Using Rambling Language In The Tapping Process Using EFT Tapping For Serious Diseases
    Intro To Part III The EFT Tapping Movie Technique - A Useful Tapping Tool The EFT Tapping Tearless Trauma Technique Chasing The Pain - Deeper EFT Tapping Relief Cognitive Shifts - Belief Changes Within EFT Tapping Common EFT Tapping Challenges Emphasizing The Words - More Tapping Power When Needed Advanced Testing Techniques Testing The Table Top Before You Move On To Deeper EFT Tapping Work
    Using EFT Tapping For Yourself Using EFT Tapping Professionally What Is EFT Tapping? - Theory, Science and Uses How To Do The EFT Tapping Basics - The Basic Recipe The EFT Tapping Constricted Breathing Technique Are You Satisfied With 20% of EFT Tapping's Possibilities? Strategies For Getting Started: Pain, Personal Peace, Physical Disease and More The Pros and Perils of EFT Tapping Scripts What Can I Expect From EFT Tapping?
    Where To From Here?
    Step-By-Step Through The Personal Peace Procedure The Personal Peace Procedure On A List Of Specific Events
    NewThink Intro NewThink #1: We Don't Know The True Cause Of Our Ailments NewThink #2: True Cause = Negative Emotions Introducing Gabrielle Rutten, MD NewThink #3: There Is One Natural Remedy For Everything
    NewThink #4: We Must Finally Listen To What Science Has Been Telling Us For Decades Basic Science: Our Senses Deceive Us. The World Is NOT How It Appears Quantum Physics: The Advanced Science That Destroys Every Belief We Have All Of Our Beliefs Are Open To Question NewThink #5: We Must Also Listen To The Volumes Of Spiritual Evidence My Visit With The Divine Oneness And Other Features Of This Unspeakable Grandeur The Spiritual Experiences Of Others NewThink #6: The Unseen Therapist Is Ultimately The Only True Healer Message From The Unseen Therapist To You NewThink #7: We Have Only One Challenge
    Here Begins The Unseen Therapist Intro E-Book
    Who Is The Unseen Therapist? A Few Examples From My Students More On The Unseen Therapist The Bridge To The Ultimate Reality
    Intro Isabel Vagos Sheri Baker 1 Sheri Baker 2 Gabrielle Rutten, MD Dr. Isabel Reis Claudia Logan, RN Gabriele Rother Taye Bela Corby Diane von der Weid Armelle Moneger Patricia Huyn Van Phuong Robert Rother Alain von der Weid Helen Blom Joanna Czaijkowska Jacqui Halstead Bianca von Heiroth Linda Carr Kay Christopher Diane Roy
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
  • How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?
    You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
  • Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?
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    WOW Moments From A New OEFT Member Skeptical Alexander Asks If This Was Beginner's Luck Beyond EFT Tapping For Anxiety Benefits While Transitioning From EFT Tapping To OEFT Relief For Bingeing Andre's OCD Has Vanished Another Letter From Andre On His Extraordinary Unseen Therapist Results Andre's Visit From The Unseen Therapist During Panicky Times Tymen Gets Unusual Relief From Triggering Memories Aliss's Remarkable Immerse-ucation Benefits Risa's Benefits From OEFT Thoroughness Success For Relationships, Sexual Assault, Business Confidence And More Sharon Clegg's Impressive Release From Childhood Abuse Lovability Issues And Tennis Elbow Vanish At The Same Time Husband's Behavior Dramatically Changes Unseen Therapist Guidance, Depression And Unexpected Side Effect Darla Clears Major Emotional Issues In Minutes "I'm never going to be able to do this!" My problem of being around sexually aggressive men Anne Ryan on The Unseen Therapist's "deeper state of peace" Anna Garcia's serious, negative results using EFT "scripts Catherine tells her horrific story to The Unseen Therapist Relief For Anger & Rejection With The Unseen Therapist Childhood Abuse - A Full "Good Start" Session A Remedy For Guilt Resolving Dave's Deeply Held "Father Anger" Andre: Followup On Nightmares, Panic, Etc. DeeDee's Sibling Forgiveness | A "Good Start" Session What CAUSES "Karen's" Psychosis? A "Good Start" Session Relief For Marlene's Childhood Abuse - Full "Good Start" Session Dizziness, Anxiety And Blocked Emotions: An Unseen Therapist "Good Start" Session Anxiety, Agoraphobia, & More: Full "Good Start" Session Using The Unseen Therapist To Release Childhood Sexual Torture Resolution Of Severe Agoraphobia, Allergies, OCD, Depression And More Bringing Peace To An Extreme Anxiety Case Solving Your Anxiety Issues Emotional Solutions For Skin Problems Dealing With "I'm Not Good Enough" And Rejection A Common Sense Approach To Remedy Schizophrenia What's Really Behind Her Lack Of Emotional Freedom? What Is Really Behind Sarah's Breathing Problem? Helping Alice's Constant Stress - A "Good Start" Session Unseen Therapist Brings Relief To A Scary Traumatic Event Unnecessary Shame And Guilt Regarding Sex
    What REALLY Causes My Disease(s)? Gary Craig's "Medical University" There Is One Natural Remedy For Everything
    Multiple Benefits From EFT and OEFT Over The Years More WOW Moments From A New OEFT Member Impressive Guidance By The Unseen Therapist Newbie's Heart Issues Improve Quickly With The Unseen Therapist Unseen Therapist Answers The Question: "Should I Get Vaccinated?" Lessons From A Congested Chest What Was The Real Cause Of These Pains? Impressive Kidney Disease Recovery Skin Burns Vanish In Mere Hours Major Relief From Plantar Fasciitis The Unseen Therapist Diagnoses And Resolves Major Hidden Issues Sleep Issues, "Rules," Solid Skills And The Unseen Therapist Remarkable Recovery From Covid-19 Severely Infected Tooth Socket Recovers Overnight Praise For Severe Diabetes Leg Pain Recovery Larynx Swelling Disappears After Finding The Emotional Cause Course Insights & Pain Experiment Nance Receives Multiple Benefits From The Unseen Therapist Covid Sufferer Gains Relief "The Headache Went Away" Hip & Leg Pains Fade As A Result Of Emotional Work "She's cancer free!" 25 years of Acid Reflux vanishes Karen's vanishing wasp sting Did The Unseen Therapist rescue Daniela's aunt from death? The "impossible" knee pain that only EFT could help Reflux: The Unseen Therapist succeeds where EFT Tapping fell short Astonishing results for symptoms The Unseen Therapist eliminates eye bleeding and more The Unseen Therapist "digs around" in a client's neck A Great Start For Joshua's Serious Illness - ROHHAD What Causes Eczema? Macular Degeneration - Full "Good Start" Session Amelia's Hurting Hands Esophagus Problems Success Resolving 30 Year Digestive Problems What Is REALLY Behind Rod's Serious Disease? Unseen Therapist For Physical Ailments Adrian D's Back Pain: Impressive Delayed Healing Is Arthritis Pain REALLY Reversible? Can The Unseen Therapist Help Improve My Breathing? "Impossible" Lung Cancer Recovery Back Pain: Unique Causes And Solutions Bulimia: First Class Recovery Via The Unseen Therapist Jan Smith's New Hips "Miriam's" Breathing Challenges - Asthma: A Good Start Session Gabrielle Rutten, MD & Unseen Therapist Resolve Eye Pressure Issues
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    The Star Spangled Banner (USA) As You Never Heard It Before Comments Made In The Year 1957 The Feel Good Photo Of The Year A Loving Moment For Our Pets From Desperation To Hope: A Love Filled Story Forgiveness - A Big Topic
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  • How are EFT Tapping, Optimal EFT, and Palace Of Possibilities related?
    EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It was my first public technique and was introduced in 1995 . Since then it has gone viral and spread to millions in over 20 languages. It involves a self-applied version of acupuncture except it doesn't use needles. Instead it uses fingertip tapping on various body meridian points. to bring peace to emotionally charged specific events. Properly done, this brings personal peace to your system and can bring relief to pains, diseases & emotions as well as improvements to performance, relationships, addictions and much more. It often works where nothing else will. It is often referred to as EFT, EFT Tapping or just Tapping. Optimal EFT (OEFT) was introduced in 2014 as an improvement to EFT. It substitutes our "spiritual healer within" (The Unseen Therapist) for the physical fingertip tapping of EFT. While it substantially expands the power of EFT, not everyone is ready for it. That's why we teach both methods on this website. The Palace of Possibilities was introduced in 2024 as a container for the many wonders of EFT and OEFT. All of the above is prolifically taught in our Near-Free Advanced Online Training.
  • Do you endorse any of those EFT Spinoffs on the internet?
    I am honored that so many (hundreds) wish to bring the value of EFT to the public in the form of EFT Spinoffs. However. our website represents the HIGH-END of EFT & OEFT and the Spin-offs are neither allowed, nor qualified, to promote these levels. Hence, I cannot endorse any of them. We wish to attract SERIOUS STUDENTS that are willing to put in the necessary to REALLY master these extraordinary skills. If your interest is more casual, then perhaps exploring the Spinoffs may be for you.
  • How can I distinguish between a Spinoff and one of your Official EFT Training Centers?
    Our Centers all use the title, "The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center In The [XYZ] Language." All the rest are Spinoffs.
  • Does it work on ________?
    Yes, if properly done. Let me explain. Most people come here because something bothers them. Examples... I have pains, a disease, itchiness or other physical symptoms. Can you help me with that? I have an emotional issue (fear, anger, guilt, etc.) that is destroying my life. Can you help me with that? I want a better golf score. Can you help me with that? My addictions are consuming me and those around me. Can you help me with that? And so on for thousands of other issues. And, with great regularity, they are hoping for a super pill, surgery or magic bullet that will "fix" them forever and they will live happily ever after. So, before entering The Palace of Possibilities, they want assurance that this process guarantees immediate results on THEIR SPECIFIC ISSUE. Otherwise, why bother? So, they ask the above question. Well, many get just what they came for and are thrilled with the process. Our website is filled with such examples... hundreds of them. Others, however, do not get immediate results on THEIR SPECIFIC ISSUE and erroneously conclude that something is wrong with our process. That's because our process aims at a major CAUSE of our specific issues, namely, the emotional unrest that we all collect over our lifetimes. Unraveling that is our job and we do it well. Sometimes, however, it takes more time and skill than for others. For example, while your blood pressure may improve and you may get along with that irritating "Uncle Charlie" much better, your sore shoulder or other SPECIFIC ISSUE may show no improvement... yet. That's good because it points to more work to do. More "house cleaning" is necessary. Thus, we generate Personal Peace within and allow our natural healing and other performance abilities to naturally blossom. While it may take more digging and skill for some people and their issues, there is no one whom our Personal Peace Procedure cannot dramatically help in multiple areas.
  • How do I choose between learning EFT Tapping or Optimal EFT?
    Both methods use very similar approaches. The essential difference is that EFT Tapping brings peace to the system via mechanical tapping with the fingertips on meridian points while Optimal EFT ignores tapping and brings peace to the system by involving spiritual powers from within. Optimal EFT is more powerful but not everyone is ready for it. Many spend time with both and make their initial choice from there. You can always add the other method later.
    MY CONSISTENT THOUGHTS BECOME MY REALITY: A central idea throughout this whole website. A must-read. Don't go where you don't belong. Our central goal: Personal Peace Dreams may not come true, but they DO take you in directions We all have the same issues. Only the details are different When it doesn't seem to work Your Miracle Finder
    1. Near-Free Advanced Online Training. Practice At Your Own Pace. 2. Live Classes - Non Certification: (1) Three Tiers Of Our EFT Tapping Training and (2) Optimal EFT (OEFT) Boot Camp. 3. Live Classes - Certification: Achieve Masterful Levels In Both EFT Tapping And OEFT FAQs And Testimonials For Training Options #2 And #3 Above.
    Intro The Stairway to Miracles There's Only One Of Us Our Dream True Forgiveness True Healing "I Am Not A Body, I Am Free" The Ultimate Mentor The Ultimate Skill Prayer With a Purpose The Unseen Therapist on the Basketball Court The Game Where Everybody Wins A Visit to "Seal City" "I'm in love with a butterfly" Lessons From A Rose A New "Vision" An Interview With God The Peace Parade Gratitude Forever Sharon's Magic Genie Lessons From Multiple Personalities A Poetic Journey To Oneness Science or Senses? A Miracle Moment
    FAQs Compiled by Sheri Baker Director, The Gary Craig Official EFT™ Training Center (English) Gary Craig Certified Official EFT™ Master What is A Course in Miracles (ACIM)? To summarize a book containing about half a million words and to do so in only one sentence would be a challenge, to say the least, but here goes: ACIM is a self-study thought system of spiritual psychotherapy whose goal is inner peace, brought about through a process called true forgiveness. How did ACIM come about? ACIM is a channelled book, scribed by Helen Schucman, with support from her colleague, Bill Thetford. For those unfamiliar with channelling, a channelled work is generally considered to be communication from beyond our conscious level of awareness. Both Helen and Bill held PhDs in Psychology and were professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. After experiencing ongoing difficulties in their relationship, and relationships with other colleagues at the Medical Center, one day Bill declared there had to be “a better way” of relating to others. Agreeing with Bill, Helen responded, “I will help you.” This joining together of two people with a common goal set off a series of spiritual experiences for Helen. One day, she “heard” an authoritative voice within her own mind say, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” Asking Bill what she should do, he said, “Why don’t you do what the voice says?” So in 1965, Helen began to write down what she described as an inner dictation, and the end result was a compilation of three books, now known as A Course in Miracles, first published in 1975. The Course has been referred to by many as one of the most important spiritual documents known to humanity. Currently there are more than three million copies of the Course in circulation, translated into 26 languages with more to come. Who is the “voice” of A Course in Miracles? Helen, a self-proclaimed atheist, said that the voice identified himself as Jesus. Although this idea was unsettling to her, Helen never questioned that Jesus was the source of the information. The Course itself says, however, that it is not necessary to believe it is the voice of Jesus to benefit from its content. Said Helen, “It wasn’t my voice. It couldn’t have been because it talked about a whole area with which I am entirely unfamiliar. It’s a process I really would find impossible to explain. I did not know consciously at the beginning of a sentence how it was going to end. It came very easily, rapidly, and smoothly. I could stop at any time or pick up at any time, even in the middle of a sentence. It never occurred to me not to do it (take notes). Out of personal integrity, I really did not interfere with it. It was consistent and read very well.” The dictation of A Course in Miracles was completed in the fall of 1972. Shortly thereafter, Helen and Bill met Ken Wapnick, who held a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and assisted them in getting the manuscript prepared for publishing. Said Ken, “From my point of view, A Course in Miracles is the best integration I have ever seen of psychology and spirituality.” With the help of Judith Skutch, who joined the group in 1975, the Course was printed in its current form soon thereafter. How would you describe the curriculum of A Course in Miracles? The Course consists of three volumes: the Text, Workbook For Students, and Manual for Teachers. The Text contains the basic theory of the Course. The Workbook consists of 365 lessons, one for each day of the year, which provides a practical application of the principles set forth in the Text. The Manual For Teachers answers frequently asked questions about the Course. Two supplements, also scribed by Helen, were published separately from the Course: Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice, plus The Song of Prayer: Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing. How best should I proceed with studying ACIM? There is no one best way to proceed with reading and studying the Course. Some people start by reading the Text to obtain a theoretical foundation. Others prefer starting with the Workbook For Students, which takes at least a year to complete. And then some people like to start with the Manual For Teachers because it provides a relatively brief overview of the Course. Some read all three at the same time. The only specific instruction given by Jesus refers to the Workbook lessons in that “we do not undertake to do more than one set of exercises a day.” (W-In.2:6) It is, however, perfectly okay to repeat lessons, especially if you find them particularly meaningful or difficult to understand. In another guiding principle offered by Jesus in doing the lessons of the Workbook, he says, “Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.” (W-In.9:1-5) What A Course in Miracles is NOT ACIM is not a religion and is not for everyone. If it’s your path, you will know it. ACIM is not the only spiritual thought system or only path to God, nor does it claim to be. In fact, it says it is “one of thousands.” From the Manual For Teachers, it says, “This is a manual for a special curriculum, intended for teachers of a special form of the universal course. There are many thousands of other forms, all with the same outcome.” (M-1.4:1-2) Is the world really just a dream? ACIM tells us that the world we see and the life we’re living is a dream, similar to our nighttime dreams. According to ACIM, we had a “tiny, mad idea” that we, as the one Son of God, could be separate from our Creator. This perception of separation is what ACIM refers to as the “detour into fear.” When we had that thought, we fell asleep to the truth of who we are and have been dreaming ever since. In the Text, it says, “You are at home in God, dreaming of exile, but perfectly capable of awakening to reality. Is it your decision to do so? You recognize from your own experience that what you see in dreams you think is real while you are asleep. Yet the instant you waken you realize that everything that seemed to happen in the dream did not happen at all.” (T-1-I.2:3) And in a Biblical equivalent: “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept.” (KJV - Gn 2:21) Nowhere in the Bible does it say Adam woke up, and that would likely be because we have yet to have a collective reawakening.
    Article 1: Gary's Introduction Article 2: A Path to Peace - An Introduction Article 3: Nothing Less Than A Miracle Article 4: Sowing the Seeds of a New Psychology Article 5: Answering the Call Article 6: The Identity of the "Voice" Article 7: ACIM by the numbers Article 8: Letting Go What We Think We Know Article 9: God Only Knows Article 10: A Song Worth Remembering Article 11: Seeing Is Not Believing
    Introduction Compiled by Sheri Baker Director, The Gary Craig Official EFT™ Training Center (English) Gary Craig Certified Official EFT™ Master A Course in Miracles (ACIM or the Course) is a self-study thought system of spiritual psychotherapy whose goal is inner peace. It is from this peaceful state of mind that miracles are born. I have been a student of ACIM for many years and use its principles of truth as the spiritual foundation of both EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT. While it is my primary personal spiritual path, and that of EFT founder Gary Craig, and other EFTers, I readily acknowledge it is not for everyone. And studying its principles is certainly not a requirement for the magnificent use of EFT. According to ACIM, our ultimate goal in life is to remember who we truly are. And we will remember who we are, ACIM says, by releasing who we are not. EFT is is a powerful tool to help us do exactly that. With the proper use of EFT, we can release the emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that keep us from remembering our true identity, therefore facilitating our innate ability to maximize every room in our personal Palace of Possibilities. For those who are interested in exploring ACIM concepts, the intention is to initiate periodic discussions via various means to further our understanding of this incredibly inspirational book. As a brief introduction to the Course, you may wish to explore some Frequently Asked Questions featured on this page.
  • What is A Course in Miracles (ACIM)?
    To summarize a book containing about half a million words and to do so in only one sentence would be a challenge, to say the least, but here goes: ACIM is a self-study thought system of spiritual psychotherapy whose goal is inner peace, brought about through a process called true forgiveness.
  • How would you describe the curriculum of A Course in Miracles?
    The Course consists of three volumes: the Text, Workbook For Students, and Manual for Teachers. The Text contains the basic theory of the Course. The Workbook consists of 365 lessons, one for each day of the year, which provides a practical application of the principles set forth in the Text. The Manual For Teachers answers frequently asked questions about the Course. Two supplements, also scribed by Helen, were published separately from the Course: Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice, plus The Song of Prayer: Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing.
  • How did ACIM come about?
    ACIM is a channelled book, scribed by Helen Schucman, with support from her colleague, Bill Thetford. For those unfamiliar with channelling, a channelled work is generally considered to be communication from beyond our conscious level of awareness. Both Helen and Bill held PhDs in Psychology and were professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. After experiencing ongoing difficulties in their relationship, and relationships with other colleagues at the Medical Center, one day Bill declared there had to be “a better way” of relating to others. Agreeing with Bill, Helen responded, “I will help you.” This joining together of two people with a common goal set off a series of spiritual experiences for Helen. One day, she “heard” an authoritative voice within her own mind say, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” Asking Bill what she should do, he said, “Why don’t you do what the voice says?” So in 1965, Helen began to write down what she described as an inner dictation, and the end result was a compilation of three books, now known as A Course in Miracles, first published in 1975. The Course has been referred to by many as one of the most important spiritual documents known to humanity. Currently there are more than three million copies of the Course in circulation, translated into 26 languages with more to come.
  • Is the world really just a dream?
    ACIM tells us that the world we see and the life we’re living is a dream, similar to our nighttime dreams. According to ACIM, we had a “tiny, mad idea” that we, as the one Son of God, could be separate from our Creator. This perception of separation is what ACIM refers to as the “detour into fear.” When we had that thought, we fell asleep to the truth of who we are and have been dreaming ever since. In the Text, it says, “You are at home in God, dreaming of exile, but perfectly capable of awakening to reality. Is it your decision to do so? You recognize from your own experience that what you see in dreams you think is real while you are asleep. Yet the instant you waken you realize that everything that seemed to happen in the dream did not happen at all.” (T-1-I.2:3) And in a Biblical equivalent: “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept.” (KJV - Gn 2:21) Nowhere in the Bible does it say Adam woke up, and that would likely be because we have yet to have a collective reawakening.
  • What A Course in Miracles is NOT.
    ACIM is not a religion and is not for everyone. If it’s your path, you will know it. ACIM is not the only spiritual thought system or only path to God, nor does it claim to be. In fact, it says it is “one of thousands.” From the Manual For Teachers, it says, “This is a manual for a special curriculum, intended for teachers of a special form of the universal course. There are many thousands of other forms, all with the same outcome.” (M-1.4:1-2)
  • Who is the “voice” of A Course in Miracles?
    Helen, a self-proclaimed atheist, said that the voice identified himself as Jesus. Although this idea was unsettling to her, Helen never questioned that Jesus was the source of the information. The Course itself says, however, that it is not necessary to believe it is the voice of Jesus to benefit from its content. Said Helen, “It wasn’t my voice. It couldn’t have been because it talked about a whole area with which I am entirely unfamiliar. It’s a process I really would find impossible to explain. I did not know consciously at the beginning of a sentence how it was going to end. It came very easily, rapidly, and smoothly. I could stop at any time or pick up at any time, even in the middle of a sentence. It never occurred to me not to do it (take notes). Out of personal integrity, I really did not interfere with it. It was consistent and read very well.” The dictation of A Course in Miracles was completed in the fall of 1972. Shortly thereafter, Helen and Bill met Ken Wapnick, who held a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and assisted them in getting the manuscript prepared for publishing. Said Ken, “From my point of view, A Course in Miracles is the best integration I have ever seen of psychology and spirituality.” With the help of Judith Skutch, who joined the group in 1975, the Course was printed in its current form soon thereafter.
    Intro The Stairway to Miracles There's Only One Of Us Our Dream True Forgiveness True Healing "I Am Not A Body, I Am Free" The Ultimate Mentor The Ultimate Skill Prayer With a Purpose The Unseen Therapist on the Basketball Court The Game Where Everybody Wins A Visit to "Seal City" "I'm in love with a butterfly" Lessons From A Rose A New "Vision" An Interview With God The Peace Parade Gratitude Forever Sharon's Magic Genie Lessons From Multiple Personalities A Poetic Journey To Oneness Science or Senses? A Miracle Moment
  • How best should I proceed with studying ACIM?
    There is no one best way to proceed with reading and studying the Course. Some people start by reading the Text to obtain a theoretical foundation. Others prefer starting with the Workbook For Students, which takes at least a year to complete. And then some people like to start with the Manual For Teachers because it provides a relatively brief overview of the Course. Some read all three at the same time. The only specific instruction given by Jesus refers to the Workbook lessons in that “we do not undertake to do more than one set of exercises a day.” (W-In.2:6) It is, however, perfectly okay to repeat lessons, especially if you find them particularly meaningful or difficult to understand. In another guiding principle offered by Jesus in doing the lessons of the Workbook, he says, “Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.” (W-In.9:1-5)
    Article 1: Gary's Introduction Article 2: A Path to Peace - An Introduction Article 3: Nothing Less Than A Miracle Article 4: Sowing the Seeds of a New Psychology Article 5: Answering the Call Article 6: The Identity of the "Voice" Article 7: ACIM By The Numbers Article 8: Letting Go What We Think We Know Article 9: God Only Knows Article 10: A Song Worth Remembering Article 11: Seeing Is Not Believing
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