"For the first time in 2 years, Joshua actually had enough energy after school to want to play with his friends outside and go to the park. The results for me are equally miraculous. I have felt a massive SHIFT ... I keep hearing "I have come out of the darkness and into the light.""
Gary's Intro: Please spend time reading about this inspirational beginning for Jenny Cooper and her 11 year old son, Joshua. Joshua has a serious illness for which the medical approach has fallen short.
Jenny wrote her initial letter to me seeking help and I called to give her some direction. For in-depth work, she then engaged the services of Sheri Baker, my Director of the Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center in the English language. As you will see in Jenny's subsequent letter, impressive gains have already been established at this early stage of treatment.
Jenny's initial letter: Hi Gary,
My name is Jenny and I am the mom of an AMAZING little boy, Joshua, who is 11 years old. Sadly, Joshua has received a medical diagnosis of a rare and life threatening illness called ROHHAD (Rapid Obesity Hypothalamus Hypoventilation Autonomic Dysregulation). He is under 12 specialists at the hospital for Sick Children in Toronto to manage the many life threatening components of this very complex illness. There is no medical cure and as such, so many children have lost their lives at a young age, so time is of the essence.
Jenny's subsequent letter: Hi Gary,
I wanted to THANK YOU so very much for taking the time to call me a few weeks ago and for such an inspired discussion. Our conversation helped me more than you will ever know, and I am forever grateful for the divine intervention that enabled us to connect.
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Since our discussion, I read your on-line book and the "Unseen Therapist" and optimal EFT resonates with me deeply. Your book is amazing and provided so many incredible insights. You are a very skilled writer and your knowledge, insights and sharing of Optimal EFT is such a gift to this world. After completing your book, I felt inspired to contact one of the practitioners you personally trained and contacted Sheri in Florida. Like you, she called me back within an hour of receiving my email. You are both amazing.
Sheri facilitated our first optimal EFT for Joshua last week and she started by helping clear some of my anxiety, fear and grief. We then moved into our focus on Joshua. Like you, Sheri is an incredible person with such a positive and loving energy.
She is so very skilled at listening and facilitating the optimal EFT session. I could actually feel the energy of the "Unseen Therapist". The results from just one session (and only 10 minutes on me) have been phenomenal. For the first time in 2 years, Joshua actually had enough energy after school to want to play with his friends outside and go to the park. The results for me are equally miraculous. I have felt a massive SHIFT ... I keep hearing "I have come out of the darkness and into the light".
I feel an inner strength, faith, calm and resolve like I have never felt. I have a sense of knowing that our journey as a family is pre-destined and that we are connected and exactly where we are meant to be in our life journey and that there is a massive purpose that will become clear all in divine timing.
The fear, anxiety, grief has faded and has been replaced with strength, love and purpose. While this is just the beginning of our sessions and I know there is a lot more positive healing that will occur, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that both Joshua and my experiences in the last week is 100% thanks to optimal EFT, you, Sheri and the "Unseen Therapist".
Within this same time frame of feeling this shift, I suddenly "heard" when in the shower to JOURNAL our family's journey. I ignored these "messages" 3 times as I am NOT a writer nor, have I ever felt compelled to journal anything.
However, the words just started flowing through me. I immediately sat down at my computer and started to type what I was "hearing". 5 hours later (it felt like 30 minutes), I had 12 pages written about Joshua, our life journey and the learnings and insights we are gaining at rapid speed as we navigate this journey with a child with a rare and life-threatening illness. I have the title of the book and all the chapters (though it, of course, needs a lot of refinement and there will be lots still to add as our journey continues).
I feel deeply that we will somehow in some way when the timing is right help other families who are navigating similar journeys with their precious children who have life threatening illnesses. I feel like I was guided to document the journey to date so as to be able to access the details in the future.
You and Optimal EFT play a big role in the most recent part of our journey. I am so incredibly grateful to you and Sheri and the "Unseen Therapist." I know this is just the beginning for Joshua and our family and that you and Sheri and the "Unseen Therapist" will continue to play a key and integral role in our healing journey.
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU so very much for all your guidance and insights and for making the time to connect with me. I look forward to keeping in touch and sharing more miraculous healing stories about Joshua and I as we continue to embrace Optimal EFT.
Take care, Jenny
e-hugs, Gary
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