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Creative uses of EFT for an embarrassing issue


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Some issues can be quite embarrassing for clients and thus they hesitate to even discuss them. Gary Williams from the UK shows us how he creatively handles this problem with only a 20 minute window.

Hugs, Gary


By Gary Williams

Recently I conducted an EFT introduction workshop and was approached by a lady I will call Sue, for privacy reasons.

Sue has had a condition since she was about seven and her challenge is that she cannot have anyone touching her knee when her leg is extended or straight.  Sue has been embarrassed about this and thought that she had to just live with it and that no one would take her seriously if she were to mention it.  This issue was very severe, so severe that if anyone were to touch her knee she would probably punch their lights out or run from the room.

The reason that Sue suffers from the knee issue is that when she was very young she witnessed an accident involving someone who twisted their leg so badly that it was broken and deformed, something that would have turned anyone’s stomach.

Sue decided to attend my EFT introduction workshop with thoughts about becoming a therapist herself, and became aware during the workshop that anything could be possible when working with EFT.  This gave Sue hope.  Empowered by what she saw, she decided to let me work on her in front of the group.

I had to double check that she really wanted to put herself in that position and asked her if she felt intimidated coming up in front of people and sharing.  Sue was more embarrassed about her issue than she was about talking or sitting in front of twenty people.

So I did a couple of rounds on “the knee embarrassment“, until Sue let out a sigh and said with confidence that she was OK sitting in front of everyone and that the only fear she now had was about having to remember the incident.

By making a note of Sue’s posture and her facial expressions, including her eyes, I soon realised that to go straight into the issue from the past may end up in Sue getting very emotional very quickly and I only had around twenty minutes to work with her.

If I had been conducting a private session and had more time I would have used the movie technique or the tearless trauma to help Sue talk through the incident.  Instead I decided to just go for the issue of touching using me as the toucher.

First I established how much out of ten Sue would be distressed if I touched her knee RIGHT NOW.  Sue explained that just sitting with her leg on the floor would be a five but if she extended it out and I were to touch it then that would go off the scale.  So just to get things underway we started the session with a set-up phrase that was a little global - Even though I am embarrassed about this leg problem…

Sue reported that her intensity level was around a 9 on a scale of 0 to 10, but was not sure as she was not used to having to estimate feelings.  We then moved onto:

Even though I can’t be touched with my leg extended…

Even though Gary is going to touch my knee and I don’t like that…

Even though I would really like to punch Gary and get the hell out of here…

As we did this each time I tested to see how we were doing and how Sue’s level of intensity was regarding her feeling angry, anxious or upset.  Sue became more confident about the level of intensity process and once we had established the level I simply extended my hand out towards her knee, each time checking the level of intensity out of ten and it was OK to get a little closer with my hand to her knee.

I am always conscious of the fact that clients may say that it is OK to move on but are only doing this to: a) please me; or b) just get the session finished quickly so that they do not have to really deal with the problem or feel any pain.

EFT can be so empowering for my clients by giving them total control in the healing process.  Sue came down to around 6 out of 10 after about three rounds and seemed to stick on that number, so I remembered the distance so that I could go straight back to the same position and hopefully decrease the distance each time.

Sue then only dropped by one point so I realised I would have to become a little more creative.  I asked Sue what was her favourite colour and conversely what was her least favourite colour?  Sue indicated that black was her least and pink her favourite.  So then I tapped on: Even though I have this black feeling and this black five in my head…

Sue then said with some firmness that the feeling was not in her head but that the blackness was in her stomach.  So we did a round on this black feeling in her stomach and this black five.  Sue then reported that the black feeling had risen up into her throat and she felt that she was going to be sick.

This was very, very uncomfortable for Sue so I had to work quickly.  We tapped on: Even though this blackness makes me sick and even though I have this blackness in my throat, I choose pink.

After a couple of rounds Sue let out a deep sigh, this was a good sign and indicated that the feeling had dissipated and that the energy of the problem had gone.  Sue confirmed this and also said that she felt differently about her knee and that I should try to touch it now.

I crept my hand towards it and just before I touched I investigated that this would be an OK thing to do.  I also asked what would change in her life if her knee problem was gone, and did she feel the need to keep it for whatever reason.  Sue said that she had level of intensity of 1 out of 10 and that it was OK to go ahead.

I then touched her knee with her leg extended.  Sue was OK but she indicated that if she were to move or twist her knee that would send it back up to a three or a four.

We had made great progress from what was a huge problem to something that had just a little left.  I was short of time in the session so indicated to Sue that she could come and see me privately for an EFT session and we could either work on the memory just to make sure that every piece of the problem is dealt with and we could also work on the twisting aspect as well.  Sue was pleased and relieved at the result and I hope to finish off the session with her very soon.

Warm regards

Gary Williams


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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