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Darla Clears Major Emotional Issues In Minutes

This insightful story by Judy Whitcraft, a Member of our Near-Free Advanced Online Training, displays many of The Unseen Therapist's benefits. Note the in utero work.

Dear Gary,

I was working with a 60 year old client, Darla, (not her real name) for the migraines she had had for 15 years. Although the migraines are much improved, this story is not about the migraines.

As I asked if she had experienced headaches in her youth, she said “Yes, especially when I bent over or squatted for hours working in our family garden.” She mentioned she had been pulled out with forceps at birth, and her mother had talked about the forceps marks still being there when she was one year old. What great information ! We went to work.

Darla said she was the third and last child and was not wanted, and that fact was made known often through her childhood.

We went in utero and had the Unseen Therapist do the work. In early stages of pregnancy, the energy seemed clear.

As we checked through the energy of the fetus through the months in utero, the energy remained calm until third trimester, where feelings of “unwanted and unloved” appeared.

In the set up of the next rounds I instructed the Unseen Therapist to re-install the remembrance of feeling loved and cherished (from Source).

We did a one minute round for “unwanted and unloved.” Intensity went from a 10 to a 0 in a one minute round.




Next feeling of hopelessness and aloneness. One round of 1 min, the feeling went from 10-0. A feeling of disconnect from her mother,10, appeared and it came down to a 0.

When we got to the birth, being pulled out by forceps….. the forceps were no longer there (even though Darla really tried to envision them.)

We did 1 minute asking the Unseen Therapist to install the feeling of “being welcome in the world.”

At that point, Darla got connected to her Mother’s feeling of fear about this 3rd child and how her abusive husband would treat the child. We asked the Mother if she would like help for her fear, and the answer was yes, so we did Optimal EFT and brought that down. At this point, Darla began having great empathy for her mother and had a strong loving feeling. Something that had NEVER been present in the 60 years of her life.

A loving picture came in her mind of her mother, herself, and her son. We spent another minute of silence to feel and embed this picture and feeling.

I waited 3 weeks to write these results, after I had tested Darla’s intensity numbers with her each week to make sure they held. Darla said the new feelings are holding and is convinced they will continue to hold. When we tested today for upset in utero, and birth, it is still 0 intensity, and she feels loved and connected to her mother. The feelings of being unwanted have disappeared.

“Darla “ has read this story and says it is accurate and has given me permission to send it to Gary Craig.

Side note---- I was stunned by these results occurring in such a quick and orderly manner. (even though we know the Unseen Therapist has no limits).

Respectfully submitted, Judy Whitcraft


e-hugs, Gary

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