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Did EFT clear a 90% blocked artery?


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Does that headline stretch your belief system? Is it possible that a severely blocked artery can be completely cleared in short order without surgery? This article by Gayla Sanders displays this stunning possibility. Note that EFT was the only thing done to unblock this artery. Gayla says, "Betty called the next day after the surgery, quite stunned. The doctors found the artery completely clear! There was no need for the balloon and they had no explanation for an artery going from 90% blocked to 0% in just one week."

Hugs, Gary


By Gayla Sanders

Hi Gary,

There are 3 EFT aspects in this story involving the blockage of an artery: 1) releasing fears,  2) releasing past hurts, and 3) giving the body permission to heal itself.

Both sessions I did with Betty were by phone and our time was limited, so I spoke the phrases and directed her to tap each spot as I went along. I followed intuition and lingered at certain spots to have her breathe deeply and focus. We used the EFT Shortcut spots and sometimes I directed Betty to simply press each spot during an entire round of taking multiple deep breaths. The breathing seemed to give her greater opportunity to relax and release her issues.

Betty was going in the following day for a drug induced stress test and dye injection to look for blockages in her arteries. Some years ago, her dear friend died during surgery while Betty had been in the waiting room. Her fears were at a level of intensity of 10 on a scale of 0 to 10. Over the course of 2 hours, we tapped for all aspects of fear, surrounding each of the procedures, needles, hospitalization, bypass surgery, death...

Rather than use the common stress test, the doctor wanted to inject Betty with a stimulant to stress her heart. This caused her great concern, because, unlike the stress test where she could stop moving and calm her heart, she would have no control over the drug's effect.

Our tapping over each of these issues brought Betty down from a 10 in every category to a 0 out of 10.

When asked, Betty said she felt she had 90% blockage in her arteries. We tapped for the blockage to safely dissolve and leave her body.  This, I am certain, began immediately, but was not evident upon her dye test the next day.

Intuitively, I believed the cause of the blockage was from harboring hurts and offenses. Betty agreed. Time constraints only allowed us to bring this down from a 10 to a 2. Betty said she was at a 0, but I knew inside of me, the tremendous relief she was feeling was giving her the false impression of a 0.

Next day, Betty felt bold and calm. Upon her insistence, she was allowed to take the regular stress test.  This step was significant, as Betty has always obeyed the doctors and has never made her desires known, much less, taken such control over her own care. Also, we had not tapped to have such boldness. I believe her inner strength came from tapping away the fears. With the fears out of her way, she was able to stand up for herself.

In addition to her successful stress test, Betty remained calm throughout the dye test. The doctor and staff commented several times on how calm and relaxed she was - especially with the needle and injection.

The dye test showed 90% blockage in one artery. How about that for knowing her own body!  The doctor scheduled Betty to have the balloon procedure, or stint, or bypass surgery, depending on the situation they would find, for the following week.

We tapped for one hour the night before the surgery. Betty was at a 0 on all aspects of fear and was making rapid headway in releasing the numerous hurts of her past. The hurts toppled to a 0 like dominoes. We also tapped thanksgiving for the safe and natural clearing of her artery. I had been convinced for 5 days that the surgery was unnecessary. I was thoroughly certain, deep down, that her artery was completely cleared. I told my friend and colleague of my feelings, but we agreed such information was inappropriate to share with Betty.

Betty called the next day after the surgery, quite stunned. The doctors found the artery completely clear! There was no need for the balloon and they had no explanation for an artery going from 90% blocked to 0% in just one week.

Hurray for EFT!! It is more than enough that EFT helped Betty release her fears and go through the procedures in perfect calmness. That alone is an incredible gift. But how much more wonderful is it that her body was allowed to literally, release the blockage and "heal" itself through EFT.

Betty has learned the significant importance of releasing hurts. She now has the tools to walk in emotional and physical freedom. For that, I am profoundly grateful.

With hugs and appreciation,

Gayla Sanders


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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