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Did EFT help relieve menopause symptoms?


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Here is a possible use for EFT that should get the attention of millions of menopausal women. Gratitude to Karen Lewis of the UK for submitting it.

Hugs, Gary


By Karen Lewis

Dear Gary,

I am so pleased that I have discovered EFT, especially in the last 18 months or so.  I started on my menopausal journey about six years ago, pre-EFT, and was sort of keeping the occasional symptoms under control using herbal medicine.  Trouble is, I’m not very good at remembering to take the medicines on a regular basis, which means that they don’t work so well.

More recently I started to become bothered by stronger symptoms, and as I now practice as an EFT practitioner it made sense to use EFT on them.  Strike while the iron is hot, or perhaps that should be the flush / flash is hot, and get immediate results!

I found one particular experience very interesting because of the effect it had on my beliefs and attitudes about how my body works.

A few months ago my menstrual cycle lengthened from its usual shorter cycle of 26 days.  It may be coincidental that this happened after I suffered a rather nasty puncture wound in my foot.  Or it might be that the stress of the injury had a knock-on effect on the rest of the endocrine system.  The net result was a longer duration of bleeding than usual after the period began, and then a wait of up to forty days before the next period.

Now for me, in the ordinary run of events, a delay of even a couple of days means a far heavier bleed and much more painful cramping than usual.  Thus, being so many days over the time, I was anticipating the worst.  Rather surprisingly, because I didn’t know when it would start, the evening before my period arrived I found myself strongly drawn to using these 3 EFT Setups.

Even though there has been a long delay since my last period, and my expectation is that it will be much heavier and more painful than usual…

Even though there has been a long delay since my last period, and my expectation is that it will be much heavier and more painful than usual, I allow myself to feel relaxed about this and let myself ‘go with the flow’.

Even though there has been such a long delay since my last period, I accept that it is the result of the hormonal changes in my body and all part of a natural process.

I did one complete round on each Setup, including the 9 Gamut.  My reminder phrases were Long delay … Expectation of pain … Belief - heavy bleeding.

Now I cannot say that it would have been any different if I hadn’t used EFT as there is no way of knowing and I’d need a clone to act as a control, but, totally contrary to my expectations, I sailed through a short, light, barely uncomfortable, period.  I was ‘relaxed’ and ‘going with the flow’.  No resistance, no pain.  I do believe that the use of EFT did something that caused a change in my beliefs and attitudes, which resulted in a positive, rather than negative, physiological effect.

I couldn’t say exactly how it worked but I do know that I shall be trying that again if ever my cycle goes out of sync once more!

As a post script to the above, recently my period began, pretty much on time, but extremely uncomfortable.  As time went by, I was beginning to curl up with the pain of the cramps.  Even reading a good book did nothing to take my mind off it. "Enough of this," I told myself.  I could have taken some medication but decided instead that it was time for some EFT!

Even though these period pains really hurt…

Even though this cramping is making me curl up with pain…

Even though my low abdomen feels like knives are cutting through it, I choose to believe that I am able to relax and let the pain go.

My reminder phrases were: Really hurts … Curled up with pain … Knifing pain.

After doing the full Basic Recipe I checked the level of intensity.  Previously a 10 on a scale of 0 to 10, I now rated it at about 4 out of 10. Still enough to be a nuisance.

Even though the abdominal pain is still a 4/10…

Even though the cramps are still here, I choose to let them go totally.

By now I was yawning and feeling quite warm, my personal signs of an energy shift.  There was still a tiny residual amount of pain, but nowhere near enough like before.  I returned to my book.  As I finished the chapter five minutes later I realized the pain had gone totally.  A result!

Thank you so much for introducing EFT to the world. I wouldn’t be without it now; it has helped me in so many ways.

Kindest Regards,

Karen Lewis


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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