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EFT assists conception


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Tam Llewellyn from the UK masterfully gets behind a conception issue and resolves it with EFT. Please note how he persists and seeks for core issues. There is much to learn here.

Hugs, Gary

P.S. I augment Tam's article with some comments of my own.

By Tam Llewellyn

The client, "Jane", and her husband had been trying to conceive a child for over five years without success. Both were healthy and physically fit and no medical reason for their failing to conceive had been identified. The husband had a daughter from a previous marriage.

Both husband and wife were qualified EFT practitioners but sought my help as an EFT therapist in overcoming this problem. EFT is a simple procedure and it is easy to apply to one's own problems. However, in the case of deep or difficult problems it is often preferable to have the method applied by a therapist who is more distance from the problem and who thus may be more effective in finding deeper aspects.

In the case such as this it is not possible to apply the 0-10 intensity scale directly to the problem. The patients had already used the setup "Even though we are unable to conceive we fully respect and accept each other" and this had not appeared to help.

GC COMMENT: As Tam so correctly concludes below, one must often go deeper than this rather global statement. Frequently, our current issues are reflecting unresolved specific events from the past.

TAM CONTINUES: I discussed the problem with both husband and wife and looked for more specific aspects of the problem. The husband had some minor issues about having another child. This was mostly due to his concern over the reactions of his daughter, ex-wife and parents. As a qualified EFTer he was left to deal with these himself, and soon reduced them to zero.

On the other hand it was soon very clear that Jane had a significant issue involving the actual birth. When she was relatively young (a sub-teenager) an elder cousin had become pregnant and, after a troublesome pregnancy, had had a very difficult birth.

When Jane discussed this situation with me it was clear that she still had an emotional charge on it. We worked together on this using the Tell the Story Technique. Jan re-counted the problems with her cousins pregnancy from the first onset of morning sickness through many pre-natal difficulties. Each time Jane started to show emotion we stopped, estimated the 0-10 intensity, tapped it away and then continued with the story. We had to stop and tap numerous times but the 0-10 intensity was always rather low - usually 3 or 4.

As the story neared the actual birth there was a sudden increase in intensity and to a level of 9 or 10. Jane had not been at the birth, but hers was a close family and she had heard a lot about it -a lot of bad things. Some extensive tapping about that area reduced the intensity to 2 and Jane seemed much calmer. We had been working for a considerable period on this problem so at that point we ended the first session.

The second session was the next day, and we quickly ran through the story of the cousin's pregnancy without emotion, but when it came to the actual birth the intensity level was up towards 10 again. However, in the second session it was not the actual birth which caused the emotion, but specific events about it and things that were said about it later within Jane's hearing.

GC COMMENT: The above paragraph contains an important distinction that often separates the EFT masters from the rest. Lack of experience might cause one to conclude when the intensity remained high on the second session that "EFT didn't work." Not so. What was necessary was to break the issue down into smaller this case specific events involving things said about the birth.

TAM CONTINUES: We dealt with these one by one. Often not using 0-10 intensity levels as it was clear that particular aspects had been cleared. We used a mass of set ups of they type:-

"Even though she was in dreadful pain......I am OK"

"Even though she was bleeding...."

"Even though the midwife said she would not survive........."

"Even though they all thought the baby was dead......."

These were each cleared very quickly, but as soon as one was cleared another took its place. This part of the treatment took over one hour, but eventually all the aspects had been dealt with and Jane was calm.

This appeared to be a satisfactory end to the treatment. That is, until I said to Jane, "This is fine - we seem to have gotten to the bottom of the problem". Her answer, "Yes.....I think so" showed clearly that there was much to be done, Jane did not (or could not) offer any other aspects and as it had been another long session I closed the second session.

The third session was later in the same day as the second. Jane had her new aspect. She was afraid she would be unable to cope with the care of a tiny baby - especially as on marriage she had moved into a city away from her extended family. We worked on a number of aspects about this issue:-

"Even though I do not know how to feed a tiny baby....."

"Even though he will not be able to tell me what is wrong...."

"Even though I may damage him accidentally...."

All these were cleared in time and I thought we really had concluded the treatment this time. However, as is often the case in any therapy, the real problem did not appear until the very last moment.

"There is one other small thing", said Jane. "I hated that baby!" No need to ask about the intensity level - it was clearly 10+

So we had yet another aspect, or more likely, the real problem.

We continued the treatment. This time I did not employ The Basic Recipe but used an extended tapping while I mentioned the various aspects. This method is not found in Gary's Basic Recipe videos, but there are numerous examples of his using it on the "Ultimate Therapist" videos.

While I tapped on various points, I spoke aloud all the aspects of the new problem, trying to use the words she had used to tell me. She was so emotional that she could not join in and did not speak. I did not keep an accurate verbatim record of these parts of the session, but while I tapped on the karate chop point and some other points my statement was in the form:-

"Even though I hated that child - he took my place as the youngest in the family. Took my place, took my place, took my place. Even though he hurt my cousin and took my place I fully and completely accept myself and him. He was such a bad boy - he is grown up now and I quite like him. l Even though I was no longer the youngest and the centre of attention I respect myself".

"Even though I was jealous of him (and still am) I respect myself. Even though he took my place, took my place....".

We also included some additional specific set ups using The Basic Recipe one was particularly important.

"Even though I fear John (her husband) will love the baby not me - I respect myself and know John will always love me." (This may well have been the whole original issue)

As Jane calmed down she laughingly joined in with my statements correcting mine and adding her own. Soon the whole session broke into laughter and we left it at that.

That was my last session with Jane but she stayed in touch and reported she had worked on some minor aspects herself (mostly memories of what people had said about her cousin's pregnancy and pregnancy in general).

Four months later I heard from Jane again. She was two months pregnant! She now has a lovely 3 year old boy and she did cope and her husband still loves her.

Tam Llewellyn


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