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Hi Everyone,
Here's an interesting look by Cristofir Aven at our limiting beliefs and what to do about them. Cristofir says, "What greatness, magnificence and genius is the world being deprived of because we mistakenly believe we're not good enough, not smart enough, we don't deserve to manifest our dreams, write that book? What greatness, magnificence and genius is the world being deprived of because our fears stop us?"
Hugs, Gary
By Cristofir K. Aven
The New Webster Dictionary has many definitions of "Belief" and "Believe". There are two which are relevant to this article.
"Belief - a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing." "Believe - to accept as true, genuine or real."
In the 1987 book, "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" by Douglas Adams, he describes a character as follows: "The Electric Monk was a labor saving device, like a dishwasher ... Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe."
In the book, the Electric Monk developed a fault in its circuitry and started to believe all kinds of things, the majority of which were completely false. What if some of our belief "habits" are a fault in our circuitry and are, in fact, completely false?
What if our fears are "beliefs" we accepted as real and they're not genuine? Â What if they're based on misperceptions?
Many of our life experiences lead us to accept as true, genuine or real ideas about our capability, our lovability that are simply not true. We may have been told repeatedly and in many different ways during childhood that we disappointed our parents, we would never amount to anything and other similar disempowering comments.
It's easy to see how these could become beliefs about ourselves that we accepted as genuine, true or real because somebody "in authority" said it. Â The limiting influence of such beliefs was probably felt in many areas of our lives for years, depriving us of joy and fulfillment.
Here is an example of a client's limiting belief and some of the EFT phrases we used: "If someone else has written a best selling book on my subject, then I can't." (The belief that I have to be the first one to do something or be the best at it.)
Even though I believe I must be the first one to write a best selling book on my subject…
Even though I believe there's not enough fame, money, customers to go around…
Even though I believe I'm not good enough and my proof is that somebody else already wrote "my book"…
Even though I believe deep down inside me that I don't deserve to write a best selling book whether or not I'm the first one…
Even though I don't believe I can succeed, someone else has cornered the market on success and that's it - there isn't any left for me…
Eyebrow: All these limiting beliefs
Side of Eye: Fears that are underneath my beliefs
Under Eye: Fears I'm not good enough
Under Nose: Belief I'm not good enough
Chin: Proof my beliefs are true
Collarbone: Fears about my capability
Under Arm: Belief that I don't deserve success
Top of Head: My old limiting beliefs
2nd Round:
Even though those beliefs have been with me my whole life and form my self-concept, I choose a new more empowering self-concept.
Even though those beliefs are embedded in my mind and body and I have proof I'm not good enough…
Even though it's scary to think about new ways of being and believing…
Even though I can't possibly let go of these old beliefs even if they are holding me back…
Eyebrow: Old limiting beliefs
Side of Eye: New empowering beliefs
Under Eye: Familiar old habits of believing that no longer serve me
Under Nose: I choose courage, confidence in myself
Chin: I can't let go of old beliefs
Collarbone: Yes, I can let go. Look, it's so easy.
Under Arm: It's hard to let go.
Top of Head: It's easy to let go. I feel free - free to be me. I feel confident. I am courageous.
The client reported her level of intensity went down from 8 out of 10 to 1 out of 10. She has since gone back to writing and feels enthusiastic about her work in progress.
The Electric Monk had a faulty Belief Circuit. In our fears and limiting beliefs, we too have faulty circuitry. What greatness, magnificence and genius is the world being deprived of because we mistakenly believe we're not good enough, not smart enough, we don't deserve to manifest our dreams, write that book? What greatness, magnificence and genius is the world being deprived of because our fears stop us?
Isn't it wonderful that we have EFT to release old limiting beliefs and fears that don't serve us, to address and heal the faulty Belief Circuitry, to reveal and share our gifts and talents with the world.
Cristofir Aven
Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary