"You will find many creative approaches here as we dive into Barb's "I'm Not Good Enough" and "I'm Not Lovable" issues."
As you will see near the beginning of the video session below, "Barb" (name adjusted for privacy reasons) thought that she had previously worked on her issues and was unaware of having much left. Nonetheless, we spent time exploring for deeper issues and, indeed, found them.
This is a vital skill for properly applying Optimal EFT and is artistically displayed with Barb. You will find many creative approaches here as we dive into Barb's "I'm Not Good Enough" and "I'm Not Lovable" issues. We eventually bring in The Unseen Therapist for resolution and, along the way, a generous of humor emerges. This, of course, reflects our High-End Training and is available to everyone. See Essential Links below.
Please consult physicians on all medical issues.
Also, here is a follow-up email from Barb...
Hi Gary,
Last night and this morning I exercised - physically exercised - which is something I have been putting off forever. I have this feeling of wanting to take care of myself.
When I tested - don't be silly, I didn't feel anything. Then I laughed and the thought came to me that it really was silly as I had this image of a small child hands on hips standing up to two adults. It felt great to think of it and be able to laugh. I have been re-testing sporadically throughout the day today and still nothing.
I am working on my list, but every time something comes to mind it seems to me that my inappropriate behavior came from the same place - i.e. feeling that I was not loved. There has been so much evidence to the contrary, but obviously that feeling was very deep-rooted - more than I realized as evidenced by my spontaneous tears.
I experimented a bit more with unseen therapist and this time rather than just going up in the elevator, (which by the way I didn't mention but it's a beautiful Lucite elevator with 360 degree visibility so I always go by beautiful lights and sights - different each time) it seemed it me that there was a figure slightly higher than I and off to my left.
I think I mentioned that I worked in a nursing home. It was not unusual for residents nearing end of life to be looking up and talking to something/someone that only they were seeing. After my very good friend passed one of the residents came up to me and asked, "Who is that?" and pointed just off to the side and behind me. When I turned no one was there - I asked her - where? She pointed again and said he's right there. She was very emphatic and sure of herself and getting annoyed with me for not being able to see what she was seeing. We are surrounded by beings, and it is a thin veil, so I wait patiently because it is totally in my belief system that we can receive these messages and healing. I am grateful to you for bringing this to the attention of the EFT community and beyond.
Thank you, Barb.
e-hugs, Gary
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