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Palace of Possibilities™

Getting the most out of self-help books with EFT


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

How many self help books do you have that contain great ideas that you haven't used? Barbara Smith from New Zealand gives her tips for resurrecting these gems and using them effectively.

Hugs, Gary


By Barbara Smith

Have you ever bought a self-help book chock full of useful suggestions and tips that you didn’t put into practise?  Perhaps you have owned and re-read a book several times, but somehow you never managed to turn ideas into actions?  Or maybe you have been really excited with a making a change; it worked well, but after a few months you are back to where you started.

Would you like to get over this problem?  With EFT you can easily get back on the road to success.  Here is how:

As negative self-talk about previous failures tends to get in the way of future success, you first need to address past failures or disappointments.  Look over your range of self help books.  Choose a specific book that appealed to you at the time, even though you did not put the ideas into action.  It may be something you read and used for a while, but somehow you don’t do it anymore. Yes, it was a great idea, but…


Create your own setup statement about a self-help plan that you failed to implement, or adapt one of the following examples.  If you usually use a level of intensity scale, rate this now on a scale of 0 to 10.

Even though I have read many self-help books that I haven’t turned into action…

Even though the idea was really useful, but I just didn’t keep it up (it was too hard, etc)…

Even though I get enthusiastic and I tell other people what I’ve been reading, I don’t actually put it into action myself…

Even though I am angry with myself (I still felt like a failure - didn’t try hard enough)…

Complete as many rounds of EFT as it takes to clear any disappointment or negative self-talk before moving to part two.


Use your EFT hot file or notebook to add value to your reading time.  As you read, note any good idea that might work for you.  Just one key word and the page number in the book is enough.

This time, as you read any section that seems particularly useful, do a continuous tap from Top of Head down all the points through to Underarm.  You don’t need a setup statement because you are already reading the material you want to keep in your thought field.  Tap three or four rounds before you move to the next paragraph.


You can also do a continuous tap while you read.  An effective way to do this is to tap with one hand.  Tap on all the fingers, starting with index finger tapping on the side of thumb nail, then tap with the thumb on all four fingers.  This may feel awkward at first, but if you keep repeating the process it will soon become easy.  Tap on the side of the nail.  If you are new to EFT, you will find these finger points illustrated in the free downloadable EFT Manual.


Yes-buts are silent saboteurs that undermine your good intentions.  They often come to mind as we imagine changing our behaviour.  As you begin each new chapter of your self-help book, ask yourself: “how might I stop this from working?”  Create setup statements and apply the basic EFT method to any yes-but saboteur that comes to mind.  This will clear your way to success.

When you tap these yes-buts, you will either resolve the current block, or uncover a core issue that may need to be more fully addressed.  So create a page in your hot file or notebook, and save these issues for a future EFT session.

At the end of each chapter, check your notes.  Is there anything there that needs further attention?  You are more likely to achieve your goal if you tap again for any negative thought or blocking belief, before moving on to another subject.

FOOTNOTE: Is it hard to get started?  Imagine that this little article is a Self Help book.  Before you re-read the article, do three rounds of EFT using the following setup and choice statements.

Even though this looks like another set of self help ideas that I will read and forget…  On the second and third rounds, add the following choice phrase at every tapping point: I choose to be surprised and delighted at how easy it is to integrate new ideas into my life.  Finally, tap continuously on your fingers as you read the article right through.

In the weeks to come, you may be surprised and delighted to discover how enjoyable and effortless self-help learning can be.

Barbara Smith 


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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