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Here Begins The Unseen Therapist Intro E-Book

In this book, you will find the long awaited answer for unlocking your healing power within. Anyone can learn it and, once mastered, "Impossible" Healings can emerge. Even beginners can, and do, get impressive results. No drugs, surgeries or other invasive methods involved.

It's an introduction: We are climbing a Stairway to Miracles here by engaging the spiritual dimension (The Unseen Therapist) to provide healing well beyond our expectations. And, as you might expect, the possibilities are so vast that this book can only introduce the basics.

Advanced training available: High-end training is available for everyone but is particularly valuable for health professionals and serious self-help students.

Essential Free Support: This book is the beginning to your new adventure and, because it enters new territory, it is consistently expanded with my free support. This includes news, tips, how-to’s, "Impossible Healings," The Stairway to Miracles, the Unseen Therapist at Work, and essential updates. It is the heartbeat of our process and you are invited to join us via the "Signup for Free Support" form here.

Legal Notes

Your freedom and responsibility: This book contains life changing ideas that bring with them important rights and responsibilities. You are free, of course, to use them for your own education and personal improvement. You are also free (and encouraged) to practice what you learn and to join with others, professionally or otherwise, for personal development.

With these freedoms, of course, comes your 100% responsibility for your use of this material. As conditions to its use, you agree that there are no guarantees of any kind and everything in this book should be considered experimental and thus to be used at your own risk. You further agree to hold harmless Gary Craig, emofree.com, unseentherapist.com, PalaceOfPossibilities.com and any contributor or related person/entity regarding this book from any liability or legal claims.

Help us maintain integrity. You may freely use this material, but please don’t teach it. To protect the integrity of this material from dilution, it needs to be taught from one consistent source. Otherwise, it becomes distorted through multiple belief systems. Thus, no one is authorized to teach it, or use it in any commercial manner, via books, DVDs, trainings, certifications, websites or other means without the written consent of Gary Craig or his heirs or assigns. Accordingly, the terms, The Unseen Therapist™, Optimal EFT™, Official EFT™, EFT Symphony™, Stairway to Miracles™, Palace Of Possibilities™ and others are legally trademarked so that no one may teach it under these, or confusingly similar, names. Again, you may freely use it, share it and practice it... but please leave the teaching to us.


Note: No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Opening Thoughts

Major Advancement: If you are a student of my original healing method, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), please know that The Unseen Therapist represents a major advancement to that process. It is deeper, broader and more efficient than EFT (or “Tapping,” as it is often called). You may have great affection for EFT Tapping because it has brought you many rewards. In time, however, you will likely replace it with this more advanced, non-tapping process. For those interested, The Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tapping Tutorial is still available on our website.

The Power Of Repetition: I am a great believer in repetition. It is the most time-honored teaching tool on the planet and I use it frequently. The more you are exposed to an idea, particularly the power of The Unseen Therapist, the more easily you can learn it.

So, if you read an idea herein repeatedly, be thankful if it bores you a bit. That is far better than being exposed to an idea once and not have it take root in your memory. Because of the major importance of The Unseen Therapist in your life, I do you a shameful disservice if I don’t drum these crucial ideas home.

So…I repeat. Expect repetition in this book :-)

e-hugs, Gary

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