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Palace of Possibilities™

How to Get Into Businesses and Organizations By Getting Welcomed Through the Back Door


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Ron Ball is an experienced EFT'er with a substantial business background. As such he "knows the ropes" in the business world and offers this idea for getting in the door.

Hugs, Gary


By Ron Ball

In 1992, a United Nations report called stress the "20th century epidemic." Four years later, a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) pointed at stress as a "worldwide epidemic."

Workplace stress costs businesses worldwide billions of dollars per year. Stress overload results in one million absent American workers each day. Stress contributes to mistakes and accidents, declining productivity and burnout, low morale and lost employees, increases in alcoholism and drug use, as well as workplace violence and harassment.

Businesses are starting to wake up to the negative impact stress overload has on their employees and their bottom-line profitability. This creates an excellent opportunity for EFT practitioners to open corporate doors. Stress overload and burnout is potentially a strong market.

An approach often taken is going through the human resources department and their employee assistance programs. And, if the door shuts on you, you can try a creative way to walk in and be welcomed through the back door. Here's how.

Stress overload can have a negative effect on family relationships. One of the most stressful times for mothers and fathers is when school is out and children are home for lengthy times over the holiday season, spring break and the summer. Here's the seed of an idea you might try. Add your own creativity and talents to refine it.

Do a complimentary "Schools Out, Here Comes Home Stress" teleconference call for moms and dads. Believe me, this gets peoples' attention. "Advertise" to them that you're doing this free call to introduce them to a powerful stress relief method that you're offering to businesses and organizations.

Start by leveraging your network of friends and family. Contact them and tell them you'll be offering the call. If you have a Website, post something on your site. Set the conference call up for a convenient time. Although you could also do a meeting, you'll find that you get a better turnout doing a teleconference call.

In the call, you'll teach some basic ways to reduce stress using EFT. The teleconference call should be 45 minutes to an hour maximum. Remember, you're just trying to open doors. Do the teleconference call a few days before but no more than a week before the vacation period. EFT needs to be fresh in people's minds.

I always send some advance information by e-mail. And it's important to put out a few reminders. The most critical one is the day before. When possible, call the people for best results. Otherwise, send a reminder via e-mail. Record the phone call so you can use it for other purposes.

After doing a stress relief teleconference call, here's what typically happens:

  1. Participants want to know more about EFT. This gives you an opportunity to share information about your services.

  2. They notice a difference in how they feel. Quite often, their spouses or partners also perceive a difference.

  3. They tell their spouses or partners about their experience.

  4. They help spread the word about EFT.

  5. You get a way to obtain testimonials from people.

I've done several of these "Schools Out, Here Somes Home Stress" calls successfully. For example, on a summertime call, here are three stress issues we tapped on:

  1. A fear that a doctor's office or hospital emergency "always" happens when the kids are home for a vacation period.

  2. Feeling uncomfortable when a mom didn't have control since the stepmother got the kids for a month.

  3. A frustration that a mother wouldn't be able to get things done when the children were at home.

Of course, one of the nice things about EFT is that people can keep their issues private by giving the issue any label they like. Provide people with this option. As long as they get specific on the issue, you'll usually get good results.

Often, the best route in "selling" is indirectly. Take the seed of this idea and turn it into something that works best for you. In what other ways might you open doors for using EFT in the business world?

Ron Ball

GC COMMENT: This idea is particularly useful when the participants in the teleconference are family members of an executive or business owner. Nothing like a little personal serving to whet the appetite for larger uses.


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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