"I am free of this belief."
Nadia is a Member of our Near-Free Advanced Online Training and, after an orientation session with me and The Unseen Therapist, she overcame a life-long issue of feeling that "nobody wants me." This is the type of issue that can take months or years with conventional therapy if, indeed, conventional therapy could do the job. Here is how she described it in an email to me...
Hello Gary,
To remind us of our working session with The Unseen Therapist, we have transformed my belief "nobody wants me" and "I am not like the others."
Even though it was really efficient putting to zero the emotional impact of these sentences, I wanted to see it in motion in real life. So last week, I had an intensive training week-end lasting 2 days: landscape theatre, which is a training about creating art scenery outside.
The challenge for the participants, a group of 20 artists, was performing different actor and creator spontaneous performances and exercises in front of everybody and sharing about the unknown. For me it was a good test about "nobody wants me" or "I am not like the others." It was quite a relief to feel simply "normal."
I observe that this "not like the others" is even not appearing at all in my thoughts.
I was feeling just as everybody and I begin to feel an interesting awareness of a sort of closeness that I did not knew before. An "incident' happened when the leader requested me to change of place (because of Covid rules), the result being that I was really placed far from the group. Of course, I did not like that but I was OK and realised that I was not feeling apart or not wanted or not chosen.
So it is for me a real success and confirmation that I am free of this belief.
Lots of love, Nadia
Underlying Nadia's "Nobody wants me" issue are many specific events and issues, all of which need resolution. For example she was raped daily/weekly from infancy to age 17. We explore these issues together in the video below and, in the process, have two sessions with The Unseen Therapist. Many insights here. Well worth your time.
Please consult physicians on all medical issues.
e-hugs, Gary
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