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Palace of Possibilities™

Pain from severe lower back injury is resolved with three rounds of EFT


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Graham Batchelor runs a sports injury clinic in the UK and was astonished at how well EFT helped his client's severe pain from a lower back injury.

Hugs, Gary


By Graham Batchelor

Hi Gary

Your free introduction manual to EFT whetted my appetite and I so ordered your DVD package. It arrived very quickly into the UK, and I became so enthralled I spent almost all my time over the next 14 days engrossed in the material.  I must confess I did neglect my sports injury clinic but something told me that EFT was the way forward and the more knowledge I could gain the better my results with treatments would be.

This was proven to be correct when an appointment was made by a 45 year old gentleman who told me that following a serious injury to his lower back at work, he was hospitalized for 6 months and confined to a wheelchair for a further 2 years.  Physiotherapists had worked with him over this period and eventually got him walking with the aid of 2 crutches, but he was only able to cover about 30 metres (100 feet) at a time, was on powerful analgesics, but still suffering a large amount of pain and was told there was little more that could be done for him.  He made an appointment for next day.

When he arrived I could tell from his efforts to walk his lower back and legs were pain ridden, and his posture was very lopsided.  He was completely exhausted from the efforts to get to me.  He found it very difficult to get onto the treatment couch but insisted he would.

Although I had only just gained a small understanding of EFT I began talking through the problems he had faced since the injury.  It became obvious that he felt exceptionally guilty about his inability to help his wife when cancer struck and she underwent a major operation.  He was also concerned that his earning power had dropped to zero.  He indicated his quality of life was only a 2 on a scale of 0 to 10.

I gained his permission to try EFT with him and began with the KC point.  We went through a basic setup procedure using,

Even though I have this serious injury…

Even though I could not help my wife in her time of urgent need…

Even though I can no longer support my family…

When we reached the collarbone point he began sobbing, his breathing became laboured and his lower body began twitching.  We stopped and I explained that I thought he was going through a very strong emotional release.  He gradually regained composure and we carried on.

At the end of the second round he requested that we continue indicating he felt much better emotionally and his pain was reducing.  After the third round I prepared to help him off the couch. Amazingly he stood up by himself and using only one stick began walking around the treatment room.

I advised him not to be too adventurous and take things a little easy.  With tears of happiness in his eyes he could not thank me enough.  I explained that EFT and himself were the healers and I was only a channel.  Talking through his treatment he now said he felt his quality of life had gone to wonderful 9 out of 10 and could not wait to get home to his wife.  I talked to him and his wife 3 days after the treatment and both of them cannot believe his recovery.

Gary, after running a sports injury clinic using shiatsu, Reiki and ki healing for almost 20 years I cannot believe how EFT helped this patient and intend to use it at every opportunity.  Thank you for making this treatment available to all, I look forward to getting much more experience and understanding but for a first attempt I truly am amazed

May your EFT God be with You 

Best Regards,

Graham Batchelor 


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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