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Piedad Now Has A Normal Menstrual Cycle - "Impossible"

Definition of impossible: Where healing occurs beyond the typical reach of man-made methods.

Intro: Gratitude to Javier Santos from Spain for his commendable work with Piedad, a woman in his Near-Free Advanced Online Training practice group. Piedad, upon experiencing a traumatic event (a divorce announcement), began having extraordinarily heavy menstrual periods. This went on for 7 years with no relief in sight.

Her traumatic event was offered to The Unseen Therapist during the practice group and, upon resolution, the menstrual flow immediately returned to normal. It has now been 3 menstrual periods since the resolution occurred.

Can drugs also help adjust menstrual flow? My understanding is yes. However, such unnatural means often have side effects and don't address the true cause. The Unseen Therapist, on the other hand, resolved the true cause (divorce trauma) which, in turn, properly adjusted the menstrual flow.

Here is how Javi tells it: Hi, Gary:

I'd like to talk to you about Piedad, a woman of my group.

Piedad spoke a month ago about having a problem with her menstrual cycle. She's been losing a lot of blood for many years.

When we worked with The Unseen Therapist and when I asked her for a specific event she didn't remember any of them. I asked her for feelings when she usually loses a lot of blood and she said: "I'm dying." We called The Unseen Therapist and she saw herself when her ex-husband told her he was divorcing her.

We worked on this specific event.

A few days ago she wrote in our WhatsApp group: "I'm very happy. I'm having a normal period. I'm not loosing too much blood, only the normal in this case."

Javi Santos

PS: Three months later she is still having a normal menstrual cycle.





e-hugs, Gary

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