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Questions on PR as well as possible dangers. (Other responses follow)


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By Gary Craig

Hi Everyone,

Member Bobbie Sandoz submitted the following questions. My response follows each question.

1) What per cent of the time does Psychological Reversal show up? I remember reading a rather low per cent stated in one of the EFT list notes, but I and others wonder if it's not more pervasive.

GC RESPONSE: I'm not sure where you got that low percent statement but, in my experience, PR shows up about 40% of the time. That's not an exact number and it's not based on an exhaustive study. It's just my sense of how often it shows up after 6 years of repeatedly doing these processes for people. However, for some problems PR shows up over 90% of the time. For example, I almost always find reversal for Depression, getting over Degenerative Diseases (but not the cessation of immediate symptoms) and Addictions (but not the immediate cravings).

2) What are the dangers of using EFT with people with Bi-Polar or Borderline personality disorders? I have heard that it can worsen these conditions, especially when the client is under stress and the disorder is in an active stage.

GC RESPONSE: In our recent Abreaction Survey we found evidence that the incidence of abreactions was statistically low (about 2/10 of 1%). In that survey, some reporting practitioners indicated that DID patients tended to be more prone to abreactions than others but I don't recall anyone reporting this with Bi-Polar or Borderline Personality Disorders. This is not to say that it's not possible. I've just never heard of it and would be interested in any tangible evidence you can provide.

Also, in the thousands of cases where the tapping therapies have been applied, what appears to happen on some occasions is that some issues (surface ones) subside rather quickly and new (stronger) ones emerge. This can appear to make the problem worse when, in reality, we are simply locating the boil beneath the pimple. When this occurs, deeper healing can be possible because the "true problem" has now made itself known.

I can be wrong here, of course, and I will certainly defer to those with deeper experience in these areas. But this is what my experience suggests.

Peace, Gary


From Gloria Arenson

Hi Everyone,

Gloria Arenson posed a good question regarding a statement I recently made on this forum regarding Psychological Reversal. It was contained in my response to Bobbie Sandoz's question.

THIS IS WHAT I SAID: I'm not sure where you got that low percent statement but, in my experience, PR shows up about 40% of the time. That's not an exact number and it's not based on an exhaustive study. It's just my sense of how often it shows up after 6 years of repeatedly doing these processes for people. However, for some problems PR shows up over 90% of the time. For example, I almost always find reversal for Depression, getting over Degenerative Diseases (but not the cessation of immediate symptoms) and Addictions (but not the immediate cravings).

THIS IS GLORIA'S QUESTION: Gary, Since I don't check for reversal and automatically do the tap on the karate chop spot or rub the sore spot while saying the affirmation how can I tell if someone is Reversed? I am confused. For the most part my clients are doing very well. Gloria

GC RESPONSE: My estimates of how often PR shows up are based on several years of doing diagnosis with people over the phone. Diagnosis is not taught in the EFT Course because The Basic Recipe is designed to be an "end run around diagnosis" which works extraordinarily well. It insulates you from the need to diagnose and that is why you can't tell whether or not someone is reversed. In most cases, you don't need to know (because the process takes care of it) and high success rates are possible without this knowledge. The ability to diagnose, however, is very useful in difficult cases and opens up new vistas for the practitioner. It is highly recommended for those desiring the next level of proficiency. This is what our Advanced Seminars are all about in February.

Cheers, Gary


From Rev. Tom Ball

Hi Everyone,

In a previous post Rev. Thomas Ball writes:

"Gary's post reporting the results of the recent Abreaction Survey in which some of us participated is encouraging. However, as the response rate was, I believe, low, caution must be exercised when attempting to generalize the results beyond those who reported. Plus, while I don't remember the wording of the post(s) requesting information on EFT and abreaction, I don't recall it using an actual standardized questionnaire which would allow careful analysis of the response data. It seems to me

the request format would have produced only anecdotal data."

GC RESPONSE: Rev. Ball is right. There was no standardized questionnaire. I never intended there to be one because the Abreaction Survey was never meant to be "official." It was conducted only because many were under the impression that the tapping therapies were somehow immune from any abreactions. I had information to the contrary and so ran this very informal survey to provide at least some anecdotal evidence of just how prevalent abreactions might be with the tapping therapies. There were, indeed, reports of significant abreactions although, statistically speaking, the incidences of abreactions (as defined by the practitioner) appeared to be minimal. A more formal study might show otherwise.

Peace, Gary


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