Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.
Sufferers of this condition should get substantial encouragement from this professional article by Angela Treat Lyon. She applies EFT for her client's severe outbreak and achieves stunningly quick results. Please note how Angela uncovers some core issues along the way. My guess is that this is what allowed the rapid disappearance of the problem.
By Angela Treat Lyon
At the gym a couple of weeks ago, I noticed "Linda," the woman who runs the gym, was visibly upset. I went up to her and asked if I could help. Since she knows me and knows about EFT, it was easy - I didn't have to get over any what-is-this-weird-thing barriers.
She was so upset she could hardly speak. As we sat, I noticed she sat down as if she was about to land on a chair full of needles. She told me she was experiencing a horrific outbreak of herpes. She told me she usually kept away from chocolate, nuts and coffee as a rule because she knows they exacerbate the condition, but at a party over the weekend she had had all three, and after a couple days of an increasing bone ache in her groin - a classic outbreak precursor - she awoke that day to an outbreak in full bloom and could hardly walk.
Having had success with other clients who experience herpes outbreaks and cold sores, I just had her tap as she was speaking - no setup, no phrases, just tapping as she related what was going on. She was calm by the time we started "real" tapping. Here are some of the setups we used:
Even though I'm really upset and in so much pain I can hardly walk
Even though my bones ached and I didn't pay attention
Even though I feel stupid that I indulged in foods I know I react to
Even though I wish I could eat chocolate!
Even though I'm so embarrassed and ashamed to have herpes
Even though I get so upset at John (her husband)....
We tapped through all the reasons she was upset with John, not the least of which was rage at having to work the gym all by herself while he was out surfing.
Even though I'm so p***** at John for not sharing the work like we agreed
Even though he's just a surf rat
Even though I feel overwhelmed and resentful
Even though I'm so tired
Even though I don't take care of myself
Even though I've been afraid to say anything to John for fear of upsetting him....
and we laughed at that one - she was upset for fear of upsetting John!
Even though I haven't had the courage to say anything
Even though I'm afraid to ask for what I want because I'll be criticized
Even though I have to be perfect to get approval
Even though I have to have a perfect body, and look at me I don't!
Even though I'm so hard on myself just like my dad was, I can forgive myself and love myself for the perfect me that I am
I can and will take better care of me
I choose health and well-being
At this point, she was relaxed, her cheeks were rosy and she looked about 14 years old. Beautiful. Her outbreak no longer hurt at all. A week later she told me it had completely disappeared by that night, and she had sat down with John and reworked their schedules so they both had R&R time - alone and together!
Angela Treat Lyon
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