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Relief For Bingeing

"She reported that she didn't binge for the whole week after that session..."

Hi, Gary,

This is Jenny Li Ciccone, reporting on a bingeing case that is showing great promise.

I worked with this client on her depression and bingeing addiction by EFT tapping before, and now we have shifted to the OEFT approach. She believed it was the right timing for her to receive spiritual healing.

At the beginning of one session, she saw herself in a "black box" in her mind, which brought up a teenage incident and revealed a lifetime pattern.

In the middle of the session, I heard the word "body" from The Unseen Therapist. Not knowing what it meant, I checked it with her. The message from the word showed her a different image of her in mind, which led to another incident.


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After releasing layers of buried feelings from the two incidents and clearing some stuck energies in different parts of her body, she saw a vague image of the black box in a faraway place in the background.

As we kept our conversations going with The Unseen Therapist, she then got clarity as to why the box still serves her. Then she saw that the "black box" tried to come back to catch her, but she didn't receive it this time. And it finally disappeared, as she made her decision in mind to go to the Divine power for protection moving forward in life.

The revelation of the session for her was: the "black box" in real life represents the life she has lived with limited beliefs and rigid rules that her family passed on to her to keep her safe and protected. Yet it also got her trapped emotionally, feeling like living in an internal jail cell.

An ongoing inner battle caused her depression and contributed to her bingeing pattern for over 40 years in her life.

She has a deep desire at a soul level, longing for choices and freedom to be her true self and finding meaning in life instead of passing by and wasting time.

By the end of the session, she felt peaceful and free. Her body and head heaviness score went down from 10 to 0, and her mental energy level went up from 1 to 7, while her physical energy level stayed low as she was relaxed and ready for a nap.

She reported that she didn't binge for the whole week after that session, which was unusual lately due to different triggers from her family members and the world's energies.

With Love, Jenny


e-hugs, Gary

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