Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.
Hi Everyone,
AnaMaria Herrera shows how our inner blocks keep us from achieving goals and then displays a way to use EFT to put these blocks aside. Students of our Palace of Possibilities discussion will recognize these blocks as the "tail enders" that occur after we use positive affirmations.
Hugs, Gary
By AnaMaria Herrera
I find that quite a few trainers and coaches in the personal development and peak performance world instruct others to just decide on a goal and then take massive action toward it. I have attended numerous workshops, home study programs and tele-seminars where the trainer instructs that all we need are enough compelling reasons to support why we want the goal and then to do whatever it takes to achieve our outcome.
I believe that many people do not reach their goals because of the inner blocks and fears and doubts that arise the moment we set a goal. These doubts and fears can be known or unknown to the person. Contrary to popular opinion, motivation is not always enough to propel people toward their desired outcome. Let's look at some examples of goals:
I now weigh 125 pounds.
I am in relationship with the man/woman of my dreams.
I have a full roster of new clients.
I consistently and easily gross $10,000 monthly through my business.
I am self employed with a wonderful business that is creative, contributes to others and highly profitable.
Often when writing down, thinking or saying the goal, we feel a wave of discomfort even if the desire is strong to have it. Why might that be? Because a part of you is associating either the process of what you are going to do or the outcome of that goal with discomfort, displeasure or pain. This may come from past experiences attempting to achieve this goal. Maybe a part of you is relating the process of achieving your goal as being a lot of hard work. Perhaps you are anticipating reaching the goal as negatively affecting another part of your life.
And therefore, the part that is ‘protecting’ you pulls all the tricks it knows (i.e. procrastination, avoidance, distraction) to stop you from moving forward. While we call these behaviors ‘self sabotage’ the more accurate term is ‘self protection’ because you are essentially protecting yourself from feeling and experiencing discomfort.
As I mentioned, sometimes we are not even consciously aware of WHY the resistance is there, as the doubt and fear can reside in the subconscious mind. Here is where EFT comes to our aid!
When thinking of the goal, write down whatever negative thoughts come up. You can close your eyes and picture yourself being, doing or having the goal. Here are some examples: being your ideal weight, being with the person of your dreams, or looking at your bank statement balance. Don't edit yourself, write whatever comes up. Here are some examples:
I tried dieting, and it didn't work before - what makes me think I can lose the weight now?
The last 2 dates I went on were uncomfortable I don't want to go through that again.
Where am I going to come up with a whole new set of clients?
To make $10,000 monthly I am going to have to do a lot more work and right now I feel I am just keeping my head above the water!
Even though I tried dieting, and it didn't work before so what makes me think I can lose the weight now I accept myself and willing to give it one more try.
Even though the last 2 dates I went on was uncomfortable I don't want to go through that again I accept how I feel about it.
Even though I feel frustrated as I don’t know how to market my business…I am open to learn and attract the right resources to me as I have in the past.
Even though the thought of making more money makes me nervous, as I am goingto have to do a lot more work…
These are limiting beliefs which are holding us back even though they may feel very true and very real. When we tap and use EFT we access the conscious and subconscious mind and completely remove or erase the negative emotion, or belief or association. It does NOT remove the memory of the memory of the last time you dieted or the boring date you went on, but the emotional charge and the hold that the memory has on you is released. It sort of pulls the plug on the power that the disempowering belief has on you.
Anyone else saying “EFT rocks!”? Give it a go with EFT and remove the blocks that arise in setting your goal. I think you will find the climb toward your goal much lighter now that you have EFT to take the blocks from your shoulders.
AnaMaria Herrera
Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary