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The Pros And Perils Of EFT Tapping Scripts

Purpose: This article brings further perspective to those wishing to use pre-written bits of language (Tapping Scripts) that some people use hoping to better aim EFT Tapping at their issues. If you have not been exposed to Tapping Scripts, then we invite you to skip this article and move on to What can I expect from EFT Tapping? so that your EFT Tapping learning process is not interrupted. Those who have been exposed to Tapping Scripts will benefit from the information provided here before moving forward.

The Pros of this approach center around convenience and the possibility to gain more benefits than what just the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe provides. On the other hand, the Perils include possible traumatization, partial results, misrepresentation of EFT and potentially serious legal issues for those providing them. These scripts are well meant by their promoters and are at least partially helpful for many clients. But they are superficial in nature, possibly harmful for some, and should be described as such by their promoters.

I don't mean to be overly dramatic on this as, on balance, using Tapping scripts has produced much more good than harm (my opinion). However, their risks and shortcomings need to be explored. Pointers for more skillful approaches are given later in this article as well as throughout the remainder of this Tutorial.

Background: In the early days of EFT Tapping, our targets for Tapping rounds were on the general (global) side. It took me years of refining to discover that being more specific would produce much better results, especially for the more complex cases. Meanwhile, EFTers continued to experiment with global approaches, trying to make a difference for as many people as possible. From this effort, the “Tapping script” was born.

A Tapping script involves predetermined Setup/Reminder language that is designed for the general public to use with the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe for relief on a common issue. For instance, a Tapping script for weight loss might start like this...

Even though I feel so bad about carrying all this weight

and I don't think I deserve to lose it...

On the surface the idea makes sense, especially to someone who hasn’t studied EFT Tapping in depth or wants the quick relief promised by an approach like this. It appears to be convenient but the potential downside is significant and it doesn’t come anywhere near the professional results we can deliver by an individualized approach.

Tapping scripts are often found in books and on individual websites, designed by practitioners who specialize in a particular issue. There are Tapping scripts for hundreds of issues … from trauma to phobias to OCD to everything else. Anyone could locate a website that provides these scripts, including a diagram of EFT Tapping points and some language to use that seems to target underlying issues. The assumption here is that most people with similar issues will have the same contributing details. But that's a major error. No two people experience the same details, or in the same way, and thus no Tapping script can reflect the exactness that is often required. In this regard, using Tapping scripts is like trying to paint the Mona Lisa with a 6 inch wide brush.

The Pros: The allure to these scripts involves a convenience factor wherein a ready made approach is provided that requires no customization or detective work. Just tap on the EFT points while repeating words that someone else provides. Easy. It’s a one-size-fits-all or “EFT in a Box” approach. Plenty of script users have reported positive results using this method and I am pleased that this simplistic approach has helped expose multitudes of people to EFT. While many have benefited, there remain limitations and downsides. We will cover those next.

The Perils: Those promoting Tapping scripts are attempting to "treat" people that either (1) they don’t know or (2) have issues too substantial for a mere Tapping script to handle. Accordingly, their “clientele” will eventually include people with severe emotional or physical frailties who are enticed to “try it out.” These tender souls should not attempt ANY healing method without the presence and guidance of a qualified health professional because abreactions and severe consequences are possible. As EFT becomes more mainstream, it is inevitable that these issues will surface and lawsuits may emerge against those promoting Tapping scripts.

Professional uses of EFT, such as those discussed in thios Gold Standard EFT Tutorial can significantly reduce the exposure to these risks.

In addition, Tapping scripts tend to provide only partial results. They rarely get to the roots of the issues and thus the true causes of the problem remain active underground. It is only a matter of time before these weeds show up again and cause clients to conclude that “EFT didn’t work.” Even worse, these surface approaches can partially clear some aspects of the problem and, in the process, allow buried traumas to emerge and bring about anxiety, nightmares, headaches and the like. No script is able to handle this unexpected stress and thus these clients may report that “EFT Tappingmade things worse.” In reality, though, it wasn’t EFT Tapping that made things worse. It was the erroneous use of a surface approach for a deeper problem.

So, if you are promoting Tapping scripts, please inform your customers of the limits and potential side effects of using an approach like this. Better yet, abandon those Tapping scripts and reduce that risk by moving toward the more professional, individualized EFT Tapping approaches offered on this website. Of particular interest may be our article entitled What Should I Say During the EFT Tapping Process?

The YouTube and Internet Summits Problem: You’ll see this same Tapping script approach used in different forms on YouTube videos, as well as various internet summits and symposiums where one or more practitioners lead an anonymous public through Tapping rounds on whatever issue they choose for the day (like procrastination, deserving happiness, creating abundance, finding your soul mate, or freedom from stress). These global approaches lead people in superficial directions where results are limited and the aforementioned possibility for serious consequences is magnified.

The Solution: Getting to the Roots & Customizing the Process: As a practitioner, it is actually easier to ask the client a few questions and burrow down to the specifics than it is to recite scripts and fumble around when the client’s situation begs for more help. The process is taught in Part II of this Tutorial. Even do-it-yourselfers can learn the principles and make greater progress on their issues. It will take a little practice at first but the more you use it, the better you get. You might start with the Personal Peace Procedure, or ask a few simple questions that point toward Specific Events. Here are some questions that have served me well over the years.

  • When did you first notice the issue?

  • Does it remind you of anything in your past?

  • If you could live life over again, what person or event would you prefer to skip?

As a do-it-yourself-er, if you get stuck, a properly trained professional can help you dig up issues that you couldn't find on your own. Professionals can get additional training to find the hidden issues needed for best results.

REVIEW: In this article you learned about Tapping Scripts in the EFT process.

  • Tapping Scripts seem to provide convenience, but are quite global in nature and do not provide an individualized approach. For this reason, they do not follow the Gold Standard EFT process.

  • Tapping Scripts and other global approaches can cause harm when used without proper guidance, so if you choose to try them, do so with caution.

  • For the best EFT education possible, avoid Tapping Scripts and other global variations, and stick to the Gold Standard principles taught in this Tutorial.

e-hugs, Gary

© Gary Craig

All Rights Reserved

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