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Palace of Possibilities™

Using EFT for Plantar Fasciitis


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.

Around the mid 1980's, I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis. The resulting foot pain was so severe that I crawled on my hands and knees around the house rather than walk on my feet. This was well before EFT was born and thus it took about three weeks of resting my feet for it to heal completely.

Fortunately, my daily activities allowed me to stay off my feet. But what would have happened if my occupation required me to be on my feet every day...such as being a mail carrier? Such was the case with Marian Slaman's client in this article. Please note how this case shows good results for awhile and then "comes back." It was not until Marian addressed emotional issues that the problem cleared up.


By Kallista Chayil

My mail carrier, Marcelle, had been off her route for several months but returned to the Job two months ago, saying that she had been off her route because of pains in her feet. Short on time I handed her a quick hand out on EFT, told her to tap and sent her on her way. A few days later I saw her and she had some questions for me about the process. She was uncertain on the tapping points, what it could do, etc. Standing in the driveway I took her hand and, while she described the pain, I began tapping on the finger tips. The burning in her feet immediately reduced and her feet felt better almost instantly. She was in awe.

She had been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis but since it was not a work related injury she was not eligible for Workmen's compensation, and could not take time off work with pay.

Background: Plantar Fasciitis is a painful inflammation often caused by excessive stretching of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue, which runs from the heel bone to the forefoot. Plantar Fascia can cause heel pain, arch pain, and often heel spurs. To relieve the pain you must provide cushioning and shock absorption. From Denise Schramek, C.O.T, B.O.C., R.F.O. Orthotic Therapist.

Her pain began two years ago on a day when the mailbags were particularly heavy. The next day, despite the pain, she went on her route again. This time the pain intensified and there was significant swelling. As a result, she was off work for the next several days.

Upon returning, she remained indoors and did the portion of her route that was limited to apartment buildings and office complexes. She then returned to her regular route in March and, despite the time with the reduced route, the issue had not resolved itself - Her pain was so bad at times that when she returned home from work all she could do was rest her feet, ice them, etc and couldn't stand to make dinner, do dishes etc,. Then the next day with more pain, she would do her route again.

With being back on her route her life became only her route and resting. She was back on the job less then three weeks when I introduced her to EFT.

So, after our little session in the driveway, I sent her off, armed with her fingertips. Over the next few days and weeks she tapped while walking, when her hands weren't full, when she had one hand available and at the end of the night. From time to time, I saw her or made a point of poking my head out the door to inquire and she continued to sing the praises of EFT. In late April (after about a month of tapping), she informed me that it wasn't working as well anymore. She would soon be taking a weeks vacation so we scheduled an appointment for the Tuesday (her second day back), at the end of her shift.

When she arrived, I discovered that it wasn't her 'feet' but just her right foot. The pain had been about a '7' the day before and was a '7' then.

We tapped on the side of the hand

Even though I have this pain in my feet ...

Even though it hurts to walk...

Even though it feels like the bones are coming apart

Even though my bones need to readjust to the route...

Even though it feels like I am coming apart...

We did several set ups took a breath and the pain had disappeared completely. (a one minute wonder?) We ONLY tapped the Karate chop spot, it was gone before moving to the sequence. I didn't have a chance to take her through the sequence.

I had her walk around.

We found a 'little pain'(1) on the arch - cleared it.

I had her walk around some more (including stairs).

We found a 'little pain' (again about a 1) while turning - cleared it.

I had her walk around some more.

We found a 'little pain'(1) near the heel - cleared it.

Additional setups included

Even though it is hard for me to move forward in life...

Even though I don't like turning and adjusting...

Even though I don't like stepping forward...(side note - she reported that her sister had made a comment that Marcelle didn't like risk)

During this stage I told her I wanted her to find me pain. I had her twist, rock on her feet, etc.

Approximately 20 minutes and her feet were fixed, we looked but she couldn't find any more pain.

I considered sending her on her way, but knew better. Knowing that it was likely an emotional issue, that created this situation, I inquired a little bit. Marcelle is 56 and eligible for retirement at 60.

Truth statements. 0= not true 10 = completely true

My feet won't last until I retire 8

I'll have to work indoors and give up my route 7

My body won't last until I retire 8.5-9

Although there was no physical pain - the emotional energy / belief system was that she would incur more and had fears around her feet remaining healthy.

We tapped some more.

Even though I am afraid my feet will hurt tomorrow

Even though I'm afraid my feet won't last 4 more years

Even though I'm afraid my body won't last 4 more years

Even though I'm afraid I'll have to give up my route

Even though I'm afraid I'll have to work indoors.

We had some movement with the truth statements, but not a lot, so we continued with the above and with some additional items.

Even though I am afraid of moving forward in life

Even though I'm afraid I'll end up crippled

Even though the doctors say, I have to live with this

Even though email, computers, and fax machines was supposed to create a paperless society I have more mail to carry

While doing the rounds I added - in sleet, snow, hail, and rain, the mail must go

I love my feet, my boss loves my feet, Marian and all her neighbours whose mail I deliver love my feet, My husband loves my feet, ....

I want perfect feet; I want feet perfect for a magazine

All this paper I have to carry

I'm afraid of not being able to be outdoors

We tapped on the upper body that "carries the load" (shoulders, arms, back)

We taped on lower body that "carries her forward" (knees, legs, ankles, feet,)

Although the truth statements were only dropping by one or two points each time, the progress was still there and, eventually, they lost their hold. The above truth statements all registered at a zero.

I asked what her response would be if she was to go back to work tonight and her boss was to ask her to do another shift - She was receptive to doing part of the shift, and had no concerns about her feet hurting at the end of the shift or through to the end of the week.

She was comfortable with the idea of her feet lasting until she was 65 (5 years beyond retirement - she wanted to keep working) and had no concerns that she would be relegated to working indoors, etc.

You could sense that the fear was gone and that she was much more comfortable with the idea of her feet (body) staying strong.

In her words, "I feel brand new"

She also reported that she was having less sinus issues (allergies) and that normally at this time of year if someone's grass was freshly cut she could tell. Thus, the tapping was useful for that and she had suggested tapping to her husband who had also received results with his sinus'/allergies.

Report in the next day.

She went home from our session relaxed and feeling good, not bothered by traffic and others honking, ...

Felt like she was on 'cloud nine'. She 'slept like a baby' that evening.

She slept in so she jumped out of bed in a hurry - the pain that she expected to feel wasn't there.

She had no pain while on her route and she was aware that she was 'walking faster'.

She finished the day without the slightest pain, something that hasn't happened since the issue began 9 months earlier. She doesn't remember having had a day without pain since it started, even on the days when she wasn't walking her full route.

Kallista Chayil MA Performance Consultant

3 month followup: There has been no recurrence or the slightest pain for the 3 months following the original session.


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary


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