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Hi Everyone,
Do you resist exercising? Sometimes the reasons for resisting are deeper than you think. Carol Solomon, PhD shows us how to get to these deeper issues and collapse them with EFT.
Hugs, Gary
By Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC
Dear Gary,
My clients often develop resistance to exercise. They want to exercise, but either they don’t feel motivated or don’t enjoy it. They know they “should” exercise, but it can easily turn into an internal power struggle.
There can be other obstacles to overcome as well. Some women feel embarrassed, ashamed and/or self-conscious to go the gym at their current weight. So they avoid the activity that could actually help them lose weight. Others have perfectionist qualities; they think it won’t make a difference, or it’s not “worth it” unless they have time for a full 60-minute workout. So they don’t go at all.
My client, “Susan” wanted to talk about her resistance to going to the gym. She started out “I love it … and I know I should do it, but it’s not part of my routine … I need to make a plan.” My intuition told me there was something deeper. I said, “Susan, it’s not about planning.” She said, “Why should I get excited or feel positive about anything? You know the other shoe is going to drop.”
Two years ago, Susan’s husband died while undergoing a routine sinus surgery. She had pulled her life together and even began a new relationship. One week before this session, her new beau had been diagnosed with colon cancer. It was no wonder that Susan felt as she did.
Even though I don’t want to get excited about anything because I know the other shoe is going to drop…
Even though nothing turns out right for me, I choose to move forward anyway.
Even though everything always gets messed up…
Eyebrow: Why should I get excited?
Side of Eye: I know the other shoe is going to drop
Under the Eye: Things never turn out right for me
Under the Nose: Why bother?
Chin: I feel cursed
Collarbone: It’s not fair
Under the Arm: I’ve tried so hard
Top of Head: Everything always gets messed up
Susan was also worried that she wouldn’t keep up her momentum. In the 2 years since her husband’s death, she had one crisis after another and couldn’t follow through in her usual manner. Several attempts to make changes in her career got derailed when multiple crises occurred.
Even though I’m afraid I’ll lose my momentum again…
Even though I’m afraid I won’t be able to maintain it…
Even though I’m afraid something will happen, I choose to move forward anyway.
Eyebrow: I’ve tried so hard
Side of Eye: Everything’s a crisis
Under the Eye: I’m afraid something will happen
Under the Nose: I’ll just lose momentum again
Chin: I won’t be able to maintain it
Collarbone: I’m not going to do it
Under the Arm: You can’t make me
Top of Head: I don’t want to be disappointed again
Eyebrow: I choose to release these fears
Side of Eye: I choose to move forward
Under the Eye: I choose peace
Under the Nose: I choose happiness
Chin: I choose serenity
Collarbone: I am grateful for all of the opportunities in my life
Under the Arm: I choose to let it be fun and easy
Top of Head: I can handle whatever comes
Since that session (2 rounds of EFT), Susan began exercising with ease every day. She has also started a website and moved forward with significant changes in her career. These are the miracles we see with EFT every day.
With love and gratitude,
Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC
Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary