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Using EFT to regain Laurence's sense of taste.


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Some people lose their sense of taste or smell due to disease or trauma. Fortunately, however, we can use EFT to help recover these lost sense(s). Here is evidence from Martine Moorby about how to do that for the sense of taste for her client, Laurence. The sense of smell can likely be recovered by similar means. Note that Martine's article begins with an introduction. Laurence's story unfolds after that.


By Martine Moorby

Dear Gary I'm attaching a "report" on a client who wanted to REGAIN rather than decrease her taste for chocolate and coffee, which are generally well-known addictive substances.

One of the conclusion I have reached again, is that EFT will not *do* anything intrinsically unhealthy for a given client, as for Laurence. Appreciating chocolate and drinking coffee (which she admits is bad for her if she has too much of it) is a question of quality of life. And to some degree, one's quality of life is a subjective perception...

Of interest to me also was the fact that she would not just appreciate ANY type of coffee, as if her brain had stored the memory/knowledge of the type of coffee she typically enjoyed ....

The whole session was complete within one hour. With many thanks for the inspiration,


Laurence's story

Laurence's taste buds and sense of smell had been adversely affected after a bout of sinusitis some 12 months earlier. Scans and others tests had proved negative, and medication had been unable to help. For Laurence, coffee, black chocolate, mustard, red wine and orange were particular disappointments. They tasted and smelled either unpleasant, or different.

I had had success in "decreasing" food cravings, but had as yet had no experience in recreating the desire for chocolate or coffee, which some view as addictive substances.

I ascertained whether she wanted to work in French or in English, and we established that although her English is impeccable, she talks to herself mostly in French, so French might be more useful.

I happen to have a little square of that lovely dark French chocolate I know she used to like, and unwrapped it. She really did not want it, she said it smelled unappetizing. She rated her desire for it at a 3. So we started tapping on "Even though I can't taste..", "Even though I used to enjoy..", "Even though I'm sad I can no longer enjoy, and it was nice to have after a meal, the French do, ... as I used to do with my dad"...

I was "making it up" a bit based on information I was gleaning from conversation in-between tapping rounds, and she was repeating and nodding, so it appeared to make sense. We checked and she thought it smelled differently, not quite so bad. So we did another round or two. And I handed her the chocolate again, she smelled it, took a little nibble and looked really surprised, so another nibble, and she said it actually tasted all right, so she finished it.

At this point, we both got really excited. She was keen to try with the coffee. I had ground coffee, and she said it smelled bitter, she wouldn't want to drink it. We did a few rounds, and it smelled a bit better, but not really appealing enough and we wondered whether it would be different if I made a cup of coffee and she actually took a mouthful. I made a cup of coffee according to her instructions, and we tapped some more. She sipped some, and said it was sort of OK, but not like she remembered coffee.

I believe I was then was inspired to ask if she was quite particular about coffee, and whether she had strong preferences for some coffees over others even at the best of times, with her full range of taste buds available, and she said that was correct. So we agreed that her not giving the coffee 10/10 might be due to the brand of coffee I was offering! I found that encouraging in the sense that the process could not "make her" like something she would not have liked before. It is not a manipulative process.

She was really keen though by then, so we went to my kitchen to see what else we could try that she had not been able to enjoy. I had some French mustard, the very brand of Orange Squash her son had been drinking throughout summer and she had found so distasteful, and some red wine. We tapped on how cooking had lost its appeal because she could no longer taste the product of her talents, and after all, she's French and the French like their food, and sauces with mustard, and she had to rely on others to tell her if the food is nice, and she had to trust that they were being honest and not just kind to her, and that there is nothing wrong with having a cup of coffee with a piece of dark chocolate once in a while. After all, her father had taught her that little after dinner pleasure and it was all right.

Her face lit up. She asked it she could try the mustard, so we opened the lid and she dipped her finger in the pot, and said that it tasted like mustard, even like a brand of mustard she remembered as a child. She wanted to try a drop of wine. We didn't tap any more, she just took a sip, and smiled, and asked if she could smell the orange squash, and exclaimed that it smelled lovely, like oranges.

The generalization effect had occurred.

She got in touch with me later to say that she had made herself a cup of her own coffee after lunch, and had treated herself to a little black chocolate, and was happy beyond words.

Two weeks later, Laurence still enjoys all the foods for which she recovered her taste.

Martine Moorby


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