We live in a Palace of Possibilities: It is an ever expanding structure, filled with awesome rooms that are loaded with achievements and joy. These rooms are open to everyone, although most of us only visit a few of them. It's not that we are barred from any of the rooms. Rather, it's that we choose to dwell only in those rooms within which we are comfortable. Somehow, we don't "belong" in those other, more elegant rooms. They are for others. They are for richer people and more privileged people and people with more talent than us.
The Writing On Our Walls: We tend to stay within the familiar (our comfort zones) and don't venture beyond the walls (limits) of the rooms we have chosen. Why? Because our cans and can'ts are written on those walls and we obey those dictates as though they were real. They are reflected in our health, our careers, our incomes, our performances, our relationships, and throughout our self image. In fact, there is scarcely any part of our makeup that is not affected by what's written on those walls.
And, together, we can upgrade it all.
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The words on our walls are metaphors for our self talk, of course. They represent the attitudes, opinions & beliefs that we have accumulated over the years. Many of them are tired hand-me-downs from our parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, religion, peers, books, TV and an endless list of other "authorities" in our lives. Upon inspection many of them are laughable. They ignore our Wondrous Wisdom Within and seem to pinch our progress.
I have helped countless people ERASE those old writings (limits) so they can be REPLACED by naturally abundant thinking that propels them along profound new pathways. Better health. Emotional freedom. More abundance. Prolific performance. You have far more within you and it's about to show up.
Why Do We Have Different Limits?: We all have different words on our walls. That's why we appear to have different limits. Your limits seem different from mine because the "truths" written on your walls are different from the "truths" written on mine. However, they are not really "truths" at all. They are just the guidelines we have adopted for getting through life … AND … many of them are fictions. They are hand-me-down beliefs that were written on our walls by others and we have been dutifully obeying them ever since.
This need not be.
Below is an entertaining video wherein I expand on this important point with a live audience. Please note my unconventional dress. That is on purpose. I am violating convention. As a reminder...
If you are looking for convention,
you came to the wrong place.
Foundational Concept: This brings me to a foundational concept. Its truth is undeniable, yet it is so subtle that we tend to ignore it. Here it is…
We Constantly Consult
The Writing On Our Walls.
Our Most Prominent Advisor: That writing is our most prominent advisor and we consult it all day long. It contains every experience we have ever had. In addition to the limits already mentioned, it contains all of our "how to's" and our sense of fair play. It contains our version of proper behavior as well as what is right or wrong in this world. It contains our judgments, our successes and our failures. It's all there … everything we hold to be true (even if it isn't)… written on our walls.
For example, we eat soup with a spoon instead of a fork because our knowledge base (the Writing On Our Walls) advises us to do so. This is subtle, I know, but it's as if we ask the question, "How do I eat this soup?" and the Writing On Our walls says, "Use a spoon." This is why we wear jeans on some occasions and black tie or evening gowns on others. We constantly consult the Writing On Our Walls for what to do because…
Those Words Represent The "Truth"
As We Have Learned It.
We consult those walls for just about everything. Those words tell us about our opportunities as well as our limits … and often they conflict with each other. On the subject of finances, for example, they may tell us, "Here's an opportunity... go for it." But they may also tell us....
"You are too young (or too old) for that."
"You don't have enough education."
"You are a woman and are limited by the glass ceiling."
"You are a minority."
"People who take risks end up broke."
"Getting ahead depends on who you know."
"Rich people are dishonest."
This fictional list of limits goes on indefinitely, of course. Are any of them (or other fictions) written on your walls? If you believe any of them … or if any of them ring true… I suggest that you have bought into an expensive "limit" that need not be there.
Below is another video wherein I explore this vital concept with a live audience.
A Sparkly New You: Since we constantly consult the Writing On Our Walls and since those writings represent our "limits," it follows that the path to expanded possibilities is to upgrade that writing. Thus...
Different writing = different "limits."
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Although we can upgrade ALL the writing for a sparkly new you, it is best to focus at first on those writings that are most consistently in your way. Those are the writings that you visit most often and tend to dominate your reality by dictating those "limits" you wish to upgrade. In a few words, then, let's tattoo (figuratively speaking) these words inside your eyelids so that you see them every time you blink…
My Consistent Thoughts (Writings)
Become My Reality
This mantra will become your guiding light as you learn to glide more freely through The Palace of Possibilities. It is your pathway to progress. I will unfold the easy way to use it in our Near-Free Advanced Online Training
But first…
A Lesson From "Ned" - The Ultimate Pessimist: A good example of the above mantra is "Ned" (not his real name), a neighbor of mine. Ned is the ultimate pessimist and is quite proud of it. His conversation consistently reflects his ever-present pessimism which, in turn, manifests many problems in his reality. By contrast, I am quite optimistic. In the eyes of some (especially Ned), I would give major competition to Pollyanna. I am forever looking for opportunities and, interestingly enough, I seem to find them. Ned also seems to find what he is looking for (problems). He rarely finds opportunities. We see the world quite differently, yet we are both looking at the same world. Our different consistent thoughts become our different realities.
Many years ago, Ned and I were in conversation about the movie "Rocky." I thought the movie was exhilarating. To me, it was all about how a "has-been" boxer could pull himself up by his bootstraps and fight the heavyweight champion of the world. It was exciting. It was a glorious example of the power of the human spirit. However, when I asked Ned about his opinion of the movie he said, "It was about two bums beating each other up."
Even though the movie was identical for both of us … exactly the same words, pictures, music, etc. … we had diametrically opposite reactions. How could this be? The only difference, of course, was what we brought to the movie. It was our filter (our consistent thoughts) through which we perceived the events and gave them meaning (our reality). That movie, like life, was the outer projection of an inner state. Our experience of it was strictly an "inside job." We see life as a projection/reflection of our mindset. Our consistent thoughts become our reality.
Again, we are constantly consulting the writing on our walls. We do it all day long and the most prominently written words on our walls become our consistent thoughts (and thus our reality). We would all, of course, like to have a better reality. We would prefer to have more emotional freedom … to be more spiritually evolved … to be better physically and financially… to live in the more expansive annexes of our personal Palace of Possibilities. It follows then, that the way to achieve a better reality is to upgrade our consistent thoughts because that upgrading automatically upgrades our reality. Doing so brings great joy and fulfillment. This is my gift to you.
Below is a video emphasizing this point.
e-hugs, Gary
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That was very cool. Thank you for the wonderful insights!