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WOW Moments From A New OEFT Member

"The Unseen Therapist works with more precision and efficiency than tapping."

Hi, Gary,

It's Jenny Ciccone, your new Near-Free Advance Online Training student.

I already experienced many breakthroughs in only one month, and WOW moments still keep showing up. So I would like to share my feedback.

I hope it's helpful.

My feedback of the course:

1) I highly appreciate and benefited a lot from our initial orientation session. When I followed your instructions, not skipping any lessons (as I initially did), I gained more value than I expected.

2) I used EFT tapping professionally for over eight years and already started to work at a deep spiritual level to help myself and other people. I didn't expect it but realize now that The Unseen Therapist works with more precision and efficiency than tapping.

I love the formula - "the moment when xxx , I currently feel xxx."

It saves so much session time compared to the time it takes tapping to discover patterns and dig out events. In many cases, people don't remember incidents or unconsciously chose to forget them. The Unseen Therapist, however, effortlessly and quickly reveals feelings, thoughts, and incidents that contributed to their complicated issues. I heard WOWS from myself and my clients all the time in the past month.

The other gain for my work is that it helps avoid unnecessary intense feelings for those who fear confronting their vulnerability and have the resistance to do the healing work.

3) I have followed your videos and made tremendous progress from each of them, even though I worked on different issues almost in each self-help session.

The Shift-method Results session alone immediately helped me get different feelings revealed from hidden incidents in the past. I thought I already dealt with those issues by years of intensive EFT tapping; the Unseen Therapist catches more incidents and aspects of the events so much faster and more thoroughly.

4) During our last webinar, I mentioned that I tried to help the Unseen Therapist. I meant that I used my ego-self to help her do what I think she needs to do. It's like I help God to do His work to help me, limiting the unlimited. Lol.

After my awareness of that, I intentionally let go and trust The Unseen Therapist without expectation. The powerful results then started to show up.

Thanks, Jenny


e-hugs, Gary

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