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Palace of Possibilities™

About Gary

Updated: Aug 15, 2023



I was born in 1940 -- an only child -- with two "blue collar" parents. My Mom gave birth to me at age 16 and dropped out of high school to do so. My father, at the time, was working in a car wash. No one in my family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) had any athletic skills and none had ever been to college and, in fact, the word "college" wasn't even in our vocabulary. It was considered an out-of-reach achievement that was for "other people." No need to even think about that.

Just get a job and exist.


Nonetheless, while using The Palace of Possibilities without knowing how (yet), I rose above the weight of my family's beliefs. I set several track records in Junior High School (grades 7, 8 and 9) and in high school was voted the Football Player of the Year for the State of California. My football achievements were so impressive that I was offered full scholarships to 22 major US universities (examples: USC, UCLA, Cal, Army, Navy, Air Force, numerous Big 10 schools in the eastern part of the US -- and Stanford).


I chose Stanford.

They welcomed me in even though my high school grades (B+) were nowhere near good enough to qualify for Stanford's normal high standards (A). Also, I was a little guy in a big man's game. I weighed only 165 pounds (75 kg) while most of the players outweighed me by 50 to 100+ pounds (23 to 46+ kg). Despite my disadvantages, I played first string every year at Stanford.


Interestingly, I never considered any of this out of reach or beyond my abilities. Rather, it was all within my expectations. In hindsight, I know why and that is part of what I will be sharing with you as we unfold The Palace of Possibilities.


I then entered the business world (insurance and investments) and, using the same skillset as above, raised my annual income in 1965 of $18,000 to over $400,000 by 1973. Also, in the late 1960's I lost 30 pounds (14kg)... from 190 to 160... without involving any willpower whatsoever.


In 1995 I discovered another world; a world that brought remarkable relief to emotional issues in far less time than conventional therapy. This method is now spreading worldwide and revolutionizing that whole form of healing. I called the process Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and several million people downloaded my original book, The EFT Manual. That book has been upgraded to The Gold Standard EFT Tapping Tutorial (free in our materials). Others, however have tried to imitate the original book by writing their own books called The EFT Manual.


Then, through a stunning turn of events, I discovered that clearing out our emotional baggage with EFT simultaneously reduced, or eliminated, physical pains, diseases and ailments WITHOUT using drugs, surgeries, radiation or other conventional means. This led to another revolution in healing that is spreading worldwide.

Then, we expanded this same idea to successfully aim at nearly every human pursuit such as: Money & Business, Relationships, Performance and on and on.

And it's all learnable by anyone who can read and practice. All the details, including updates, are laid before you in these pages.

e-hugs, Gary

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