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Palace of Possibilities™

Borrowing Benefits from Sacramento to the United Kingdom


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

I just gave an EFT Borrowing Benefits workshop in Sacramento, CA last weekend and, as expected, over 90% reported improvements in their issues. These improvements ranged from "clearly noticeable" to the complete cessation of the problem(s). In the process, I learned several refinements that should substantially increase the percentage of people that achieve complete cessation of their problem(s). I will report on these later.

To me, this is stunning. To provide this quality of emotional freedom for an entire audience is well beyond the capabilities of the world's current healing practices (at least to my knowledge). Those who master it will find It magnifies (1) their professional effectiveness and (2) the financial rewards for both themselves and their clients.

If you are not already familiar with Borrowing Benefits, you can read about the basic concept at...

I am now preparing for my major workshops on Borrowing Benefits to be held in Flagstaff, AZ later this month (sorry, the workshops are closed). There I will be presenting all the up-to-date refinements for several hundred participants. Fortunately, it will be videotaped and the resulting videos should be available in November or December of this year.

To give you some idea of the usefulness of Borrowing Benefits, I include below the written experience of Tam Llewellyn from the UK. Tam learned Borrowing Benefits in an advanced workshop at my home at The Sea Ranch, CA. He came with his wife, Mary, and 13 other dedicated EFTers from England, Belgium, New Zealand and Ireland.

Hugs, Gary

P.S. For those who wish to experience Borrowing Benefits now, you can tap along with the many videotaped sessions already contained in The EFT Course and Steps Toward Becoming The Ultimate Therapist Properly done, many people can achieve impressive improvements by zeroing in on their impactful SPECIFIC EVENTS that need resolution. As always, though, I must mention that a small percentage of the population should not attempt ANY healing procedure without the presence and guidance of a skilled professional.

By Tam Llewellyn

We had a group of experienced EFTers with us over the weekend for a workshop and during it we presented "Borrowing Benefits" along the lines you presented at Sea Ranch. There were 10 involved and it worked very well.

Mary and I each demonstrated the method on a 'live case' and each time the case was resolved and all the 'spectators' had their personal problems reduced from 8+ to 2-. Then we asked one of the others who had just learned the method to apply it along the lines we taught (she had been hand picked in advance as someone we knew we could trust and who was a very effective therapist). Again it was a complete success, both with the 'client' and the 'spectators'.

Other than confirming that the method works well (out of your hands, Gary) and even with a good EFT therapist who had just learnt to use "Borrowing Benefits", one other factor which may have been of interest came up.

After each of the three sessions and at the end of the workshop we had discussions on what had happened. Again and again it was reported that even though 'spectators' had problems apparently quite different from the one on-stage (in front of the audience), they all found aspects of the on-stage problem that spoke to aspects of their own (quite different) problem.

The suggestion was made that perhaps, even though we all present with apparently different problems they are all based on a very small number of different basic roots (shades of Larry Nims here!). Perhaps these few roots allow the growth of quite different looking problems from the same soil (to mix metaphors).

This could be an explanation for the reason that tapping on someone else's problem seems to solve a quite different problem of our own. These 'different' problems being no more that a different looking problem grown from the same roots. Not only would it explain "Borrowing Benefits" as a method, but it would also explain why EFT Practitioners seem to lose there own problems while tapping on their clients - a thing that has been noted for quite some time.

Just an idea that came up in discussion at the work shop.



Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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