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Palace of Possibilities™

Borrowing Benefits gets impressive results on TV


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Note: If you are not familiar with EFT's Borrowing Benefits technique, you can learn about it at...

Hi Everyone,

Our Borrowing Benefits technique may be the most important advancement in the healing field since these tapping procedures were first introduced....and THAT may qualify it as the most important advancement ever.

Pardon my superlatives but I just completed an intensive 4 day advanced workshop in my home with 15 experienced EFT'ers from the UK, Ireland, Belgium, New Zealand and Australia. Borrowing Benefits was the centerpiece of it and we consistently produced high percentage results. By that I mean well over 80% of the time audience members achieved either noticeable improvement or complete resolution of their issues EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE TAPPING ALONG FOR ANOTHER PERSON'S ISSUES WHILE THAT PERSON WAS WORKING WITH ME IN FRONT OF THE GROUP.

Properly done, Borrowing Benefits can deliver EFT's healing results to whole audiences at one time....and there doesn't appear to be a limit. It can be done for hundreds, thousands or millions. I can think of nothing in history that has even approached this possibility.

The larger the group, however, the more skill will be required and the more concern one must have for people that are severely emotionally disturbed. I think we should put in some caveats that a few percent of the world's population should not attempt ANY healing procedure without the skill and guidance of a qualified professional. But for the vast majority, Borrowing Benefits is an obvious avenue toward healing.

Recently, author and EFT Practitioner, Carol Tuttle was invited to Jamaica to appear on television and present a seminar titled "Clearing Life's Problems with EFT."

Carol appeared on Jamaica's cable channel which reaches nearly 200,000 people in the Port Antonio, Jamaica area. She first went on "Hard Topics with Dr. Juce", an hour and a half show where she was interviewed about her book (Remembering Wholeness) and how EFT works.

The host was so impressed, he sent his camera crew to her seminar the next night to tape it so it could be broadcast on television. Carol gives details below....

Hugs, Gary

By Carol Tuttle

I have been doing a lot of EFT with groups using the "Borrowing Benefits" technique. My biggest live seminar audience to date has been 200 people. At the seminar in Jamaica we had 40 people (nearly all Jamaican) in attendance. I taught the audience the EFT procedures and described how the Borrowing Benefits would work. I then asked everyone in the room to choose a personal problem that had an intensity rating between 8-10 on a scale from 0-10. 5 volunteers came up front to work with me.

This first individual had a rating of 9 regarding a problem of fighting with her fiance. We successfully brought it down to a 0 in 2 rounds. The next individual had an 8 about some health problems and a pattern of worry. She was down to a 1 within 3 rounds.

I worked with one individual at a time on stage and when they were down to a 1 or 0 I invited them to sit down. Then I turned to help the next person. Interestingly, after working with the first person, I discovered that the remaining volunteers dropped from their original 8-10 level to a 6 or below BEFORE I started working with them. This is because they had "Borrowed Benefits" by tapping along with the previous person.

I only let the volunteers sit down after they were down to a 0 or 1. It never takes more than working with 4-5 people in front doing 2-3 rounds of EFT with each. Then I ask if anyone in the audience (all of whom started with 8-10 issues) is above a 2 or 3. There never is!

GC COMMENT: In my experience, I have found some people that are above a 2 or 3 at the end of Borrowing Benefits and a few that made no change at all. These are areas where I think we can refine and improve the process. The vast majority, however, report substantial benefits.

CAROL CONTINUES: The entire seminar lasted 80 minutes and was taped from start to finish. My hosts that invited me to Jamaica sent me an email 3 days after I returned home to report that the station had already aired the program twice and planned on airing it several times more.

I have appeared on over 50 radio and television shows in the U.S. and Canada in the last 8 months, and have recently been signed to be the monthly contributing expert on our local ABC affiliate channels daily talk show, "Good Things Utah." I teach EFT and other energy clearing techniques live on air.

When Gary started to promote using the Borrowing Benefits technique, I knew he was speaking to me, and that I was to help hundreds and thousands and hopefully millions of people with this great tool. I am spending less time in my private practice and more time on the airwaves and speaking to groups so I can help more people at one time.

Carol Tuttle, MRET

Author of Remembering Wholeness Energy Therapist/Speaker


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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