Question: Hi Gary,
I was wondering about the specific events and using The Unseen Therapist. Is it all right to move through many issues in a session or is it best to only work on them one at a time?
I ask because I seem to be able to eliminate many issues fairly quickly. Almost like a domino effect. I will focus on something that causes me negative emotions and The Unseen Therapist seems to get it resolved quite quickly.
Upon completion of that event, though, another one will come up. So I will work on that one, then another, work on it and it, too, is resolved, etc. So far I seem to be batting 100% as the issues that no longer affect me also no longer come to mind once they get resolved.
I'm retired so I'm able to pretty much drop everything when something comes into mind and I quickly get into "peace and calm mode" and ask The Unseen Therapist to resolve it...which She does straight away! I just don't want to be robbing myself of quality by moving too quickly. Thanks so much for your input.
Kind Regards, Angel Cross
Answer: Hi Angel,
Thanks for your excellent question. And so glad to hear of your rapid progress.
Yes, The Unseen Therapist can work seemlessly in this way, especially when we learn to communicate well with Her. I am always cautious, however, about any healing regardless of how effortless the progress may appear. It is easy to be fooled by a temporary result and that is why I am so big on detailed testing. If nothing else, make sure you revisit those same issues the next morning and see if they still seem resolved. If so, fine. If not, then you know you have more work to do.
Proper testing often separates the true masters of EFT from those with lighter understandings. That is why I display it in great detail in the Webinars, vast Library and Lessons that are contained in our Near-Free Advanced Online Training.
That being said, if this rapid progress continues then keep at it. Each one of those resolved specific events represents several weeks or months of conventional therapy.
Cheers, Gary
Follow-up from Angel: (emphasis added): Hi Gary,
When I got your e-book on the use of The Unseen Therapist I began working with her straight away. It took a bit to reach the place of "peace and calm" at first, but I'm able to do it quite quickly now and the release of a lifetime of misery is staggering! It will take a while to remove that much garbage from my life, but I'm working on it steadily and am so thankful that you care enough to help so many.
Blessings from Scotland,