Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.
Hi Everyone,
Rebecca Snyder, a hair stylist from Georgia, successfully self applies EFT for a Man of War Jellyfish sting. Jellyfish stings like this can be life threatening and thus medical help should be immediately sought. But what do you do while awaiting medical help? In this case Rebecca used EFT as first aid and, as you will see, this serious problem subsided rather quickly. You will enjoy the twist at the end with her skeptical client.
Hugs, Gary
By Rebecca Snyder
Hi Gary,
I wanted to share another wonderful story of EFT success, with a neat little "tail-ender" component. Last summer I was at one of our gorgeous beaches doing some boogie boarding. After riding a wave in to shore, I felt a searing pain up my left arm, almost like an electric shock. I quickly realized I'd swum through the tentacles of a Man of War jellyfish; they are common in late summer here.
Having never been stung before, I didn't know how my body would react to the venom, so I immediately started tapping the KC point as I made my way to shore. I remembered several articles that had mentioned that tapping the KC point could hold off anaphylaxis or seizure until medical help could get there.
Once seated on the beach, I could see hundreds of little red dots from wrist to armpit, and each one felt as if I were being sliced by a razor blade.
I used the basic EFT shortcut recipe with no PR setup - the pain was immediate and at the forefront of my thoughts, and definitely maxed out at a level of 10 out of 10! I did 2 rounds just on: "This searing pain". It diminished slightly, so I began thinking of other factors that might be contributing. I came up with:
Not sure how my body will handle the venom
The horror stories I'd heard about jellyfish stings
Being mad at missing some righteous waves!
Having my fun cut short by the presence of jellyfish
Not being able to trust the ocean in the future
With each round, the pain diminished significantly, all the way down to 0. With jellyfish in the water and a storm moving in, I decided to leave about a half hour later. When I got into the hot car, I felt a little tingle in the sting sites, so I tapped another shortcut round on:
This new tingle from the jellyfish… It went away in one round, never to reappear.
The next morning, about half of the red dots were gone, and the remaining ones showed no signs of the typical swelling or blistering that are common with jellyfish stings. Naturally, that day at work I was extolling the miraculous results that I had gotten with EFT, showing everyone who would listen the remaining red spots that were proof of my encounter. One of my more skeptical clients said, "Well, if this EFT is so miraculous, why do you still have the spots?" I thought for a minute, then had to laugh. The tail-ender! I asked myself, "What benefit am I getting from keeping the red spots?"
Well, if all the spots had disappeared, who would believe I'd ever been stung?? I realized that I wouldn't have gotten the sympathy for my "ordeal", nor would I have proof to show that EFT really works.
I used the opportunity to demonstrate the shortcut to the skeptical client, tapping on:
Even though I'm keeping the redness as proof...
Even though I want the sympathy...
Even though people may not believe I was stung if I don't have a mark on me...
Naturally, the skeptic half expected to watch the spots disappear before her eyes, and when they didn't, she said, "Hmmmm, maybe that tapping thing isn't all that effective." I shrugged and admitted it might not work for the spots. I continued with her haircut, talking of other things. When I finished with her hair about a half hour later, I glanced at my arm, and smiled. I held it out to free! There was no sign of any redness anywhere on my arm. She looked almost angry as she spluttered, "No Way!!"
I just shrugged and said, "Yeah, it really does work."
She's no longer a skeptic, and has agreed to let me work with EFT with her on several occasions.
Yeah, it really DOES work!
In gratitude,
Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary