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Palace of Possibilities™

Sore, Swollen Gums Relieved in Minutes


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Barbara Paine didn't really believe that EFT would help her swollen gums but, after her ibuprofen failed to work, she began tapping. Her successful approach is given below. This is a great story to give a newcomer who asks, "Do you have to believe in EFT for it to work?"

Hugs, Gary


By Barbara Paine

While this might seem like a trivial matter in comparison to some of the issues and problems that people are using EFT for, having sore and swollen gums was making it difficult for me to eat and making me equally as miserable.

I've been in need of having some dental work done to replace a poorly made and fitted crown. Apparently I had gotten a little bit of food wedged up along the gumline and it made the area irritated and swollen. I wasn't sure if my gums were infected or not. Either way, a trip to the dentist and the subsequent bill for a new crown (estimated at about $500 after insurance) was not what I wanted to think about.

After popping yet more ibuprofen (even though the previous 3 doses hadn't helped at all) in an effort to be able to get some sleep, it dawned on me to try some tapping. I must admit, I had a lot of doubt as to whether it could help, especially since I was in a lot of pain.

So I started with "Even though I have these swollen gums and I'm miserable......" and moved on to a few more rounds of phrases such as:

Even though I'm afraid my gums are infected and I'll need to see the dentist, I trust my body to heal what needs to be healed ... Even though I'm afraid I'll end up with a huge dental bill that I wasn't planning on at this time, I love myself and will put my health needs first ... Even though my gums are sore and swollen and really hurt, I love myself and know that my body can heal and any discomfort I'm feeling can quickly and easily go away ... Even though I'm afraid that EFT isn't going to help at all, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and choose to believe in the power of my body to heal itself...

Amazingly, I found after each round my discomfort was diminishing and becoming less and less. Even though I'm a firm believer in energy work, I was having a hard time believing that EFT could effectively take away my pain and work for me. However, I felt as though the swollen gums were beginning to return to normal and the "infection" was draining from the area.

I finally got the pain down to about a 1 or 2 (from what was previously about an 8) and I was able to get to sleep. I woke up in the morning feeling much better! The area in my mouth was still a bit sensitive but not at all painful and throbbing as it had been. I did a little more tapping to encourage healing and complete recovery and it is currently remaining at about a 1 (no pain, but I'm aware the gums are not completely normal yet. Perhaps my body's way to keep me aware and mindful to be gentle to that area while it continues to heal?)

Maybe the best part of the story is that when my husband woke up he asked me how my mouth was feeling and I was able to share with him how I had used EFT to be comfortable and get to sleep. He was totally amazed and intrigued about what I'd done. This gave me a great opportunity to explain about EFT and how it works.

I would like to note that I realize that replacing the crown on this tooth is going to be necessary to prevent future episodes such as this and that in fact, my dentist has told me the tooth is decaying underneath the crown due to the poor fit. I've just been putting the work off. However, using EFT provided the means for me to get comfort and healing in a moment of need. I am continuing to tap for stronger and healthier gums and to reduce the anxiety of having dental work done (and the bill that goes with it!)

Barbara Paine


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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