Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.
Hi Everyone,
Spend time with these helpful ideas from Irene Pizzie of the UK. The are useful for both seasoned EFT'ers and newbies.
Hugs, Gary
By Irene Pizzie
The process we use when working with EFT is so straightforward that those new to EFT can learn it in a few minutes. This simplicity is one of EFT’s greatest strengths. However, when we are working as therapists with clients, something extra is often required. I suggest using the mnemonic TAPPING to remind therapists how we can turn the simple process of EFT into an art.
T = Try it on everything
Some of my clients ask me questions such as ‘OK, it was great for the shoulder pain, but what about my leg?’ ‘Yes, I see how it helped with my public speaking. But now I have to write an article, and I don’t know where to start.’ ‘I’m exercising three times a week now, after tapping for it. But what could I do about my bad nights?’
And of course my answer is ‘Tap for it!’ We really can try it on everything. Part of my mission as an EFT therapist is to get that message out loud and clear. Try it on everything. (Always ensure your client checks with a medical practitioner.)
A = Aspects – be specific
We have all had sessions with clients where everything is going pretty well, and then, without warning, the client’s level of intensity rating on a scale of 0 to 10 will stay the same, or even go up. If this happens to you, stop and congratulate yourself and your client. You have just come across a different aspect of the same problem.
Lizzy, a client of mine, hated snakes. She tapped for this while focusing on the image of a fanged, open mouth snake. Her level of intensity while looking at a picture that represented this was a 1 out of 10, when something moved out of the corner of her eye. Her level of intensity shot up to a 9 out of 10. The movement had reminded her of the way in which a snake moves, and that had not cleared. Same issue; different aspect.
Gary describes this as a table with many legs. Each leg is a specific part of the overall issue. Chop one off and the table is still strong. Keep going until you have a few legs weakened, and the table will begin to collapse.
P = Persistence
Sometimes EFT produces wonderful results in minutes. These are great to witness, and almost magical for our clients to experience. Not all of our sessions will be like this. Often, persistence is the key. If a client taps for their issue on a regular basis, refining the words and emotions to hone in on the issue, there will be energy shifts. Encourage clients to keep tapping between sessions. I love it when a client tells me that they have taught a family member how to tap – this implies that they are doing it regularly. These clients will have great results.
P = Palace of Possibilities
We all live in potential – to use Gary’s term, in a Palace of Possibilities. Our unique Palace has many rooms, and we tend to live in those ones that feel comfortable for us. We can use EFT with our clients such that they can open up some of these other rooms: maybe the rooms of success, mastery or fulfillment. This is a rewarding journey to take, for ourselves and for our clients.
I = Intuition and the mind-body connection
It is fantastic when a client comes to us with an issue that is clear-cut and ready to go. What happens more frequently is that a client will present with one thing and, after a bit of digging, we find a link to something else. This is where our intuition helps us out.
David came to me feeling very tense and stressed in his life. He wanted to learn EFT in one quick session so that he could calm down at work. We started to tap, and it soon became apparent that his physical movements were stiff and unyielding. I asked a very simple intuitive question, “Who has been rigid in your life?” He replied, “Oh, my father. He was born in the 1920s, and he can’t let go of the austerity he was born into.”
David tapped on this over a few weeks, returning for two further sessions. His body noticeably relaxed; he felt calmer generally, not just at work; and he started to visit his father more than before. What David was experiencing was the mind-body connection.
Imagine a triangle, with feelings (emotions), thoughts and behaviour at the vertices. If just one of these is disrupted, we feel dis-ease, and we can experience problems that manifest in physical symptoms, as well as in changes to our emotional and mental health. When you are working intuitively with your client, and you are listening to the mind-body connection, you will see amazing results.
N = Notice what’s going on
In addition to working intuitively, we need to be extremely aware of what language our client is using. Do they describe their pain as sharp, spiky or intense – whatever they use will mean something to them. Use this exact language back.
Client: I have a pain in my arm. It is a shooting pain, all the way down to my wrist. Therapist: And when you feel this shooting pain all the way down to your wrist, what intensity is it on a scale of 0 to 10? C: It’s a 7. It’s very quick. T: So, it’s a quick, shooting pain that’s a 7, and it is all the way down to your wrist? Just noticing and repeating what your client is saying will get them to focus on their issue. Listen out for clues too. C: This pain in my arm is holding me back at work. T: What else is holding you back? C: My boss holds me back, and I don’t know why. This could be worth exploring as well as the pain. Listen – notice – repeat – use your intuition.
G = Get testing
At the end of a session, we use the level of intensity scale to assess the outcome. This is a great way of letting the client know that a shift has occurred. A true test is even better. For example, Tony had a specific fear of heights. After we did a lot of work on the subject I asked him if he had an opportunity to test his level of intensity rating which was zero when we finished in my office.
He said that his brother had invited him on holiday, and that there would be a way to test his EFT success. Later that month I received an email with an attachment of a picture of Tony on a mountain ridge – this was his specific issue. He was straddling what looked like a knife edge with drops both sides, and he was smiling and waving. This was a great test. Although he had a level of intensity rating of zero on a scale of 0 to 10, he admitted later that he did not really believe that the fear had vanished until he climbed onto the ridge.
In summary - remember that EFT is an art rather than a process. You can use the acronym TAPPING to remind yourself of 7 great ways to master your art.
T - Try it on everything
A - Aspects – be specific
P - Persistence
P -Palace of Possibilities
I - Intuition and the mind-body connection
N - Notice what’s going on
G - Get testing
Irene Pizzie
Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary