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The Ultimate Cause For Just About Everything

"However, there is a much bigger benefit that awaits them beyond the relief for one or more specific issues."

Most people come to Optimal EFT and The Unseen Therapist because they want specific ailments addressed. Perhaps they have slow healing injuries, disease symptoms, phobias, etc. that are causing them immediate problems. Whatever the ailment these immediate issues are their central focus. As should be evident to even the most casual observer, we have many very impressive successes along these lines.

However, there is a much bigger benefit that awaits them beyond the relief for one or more specific issues. It is the development of profound personal peace. This, as you will learn, addresses the central cause for just about every ailment you can name.

Listen in as Anne Ryan and I discuss this vital topic in detail.

For more, be sure to visit the ESSENTIAL LINKS below.

Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary

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