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Palace of Possibilities™

The Volcano Technique


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Rebecca Marina shares with us a "strong language" type technique that is often useful for deep work. I have used versions of this idea many times and have found it very successful, particularly with clients that seem to be stuck or not moving anywhere. Rebecca uses anger as the pivotal emotion and does so quite successfully. Appended to her an article is a graphic description of the technique done by Angela Treat Lyon. Please note that variations of this concept can be used for fear, guilt, grief and just about every other emotion.

Perhaps a motto might be, "when stuck, get emphatic."

Hugs, Gary


By Rebecca Marina

Dear Gary,

I want to share with you and all the EFT practitioners a useful technique for deep work. I have been testing out this technique with client after client with impressive results! I have used this technique repeatedly in my workshops and teleclasses using the Borrowing Benefits technique with the same benefits.


If you could imagine that your emotions can become like a silent, simmering, volcano with all the feelings like sadness, depression, grief, betrayal, pain, and victim-hood all just churning around together. Imagine that the bottom layer of this volcano is suppressed anger with deep roots of fear. Almost always I find when someone has a lot of emotional conflict, there is a layer of anger they are just too darn nice to let out. We have been taught by society that it is "not nice" to express your anger. People won't like you if you express anger.

In my own practice, I had felt guided to bring all my depressed, frustrated, and sad clients to find something about the situation to get mad about. Then EFT would stick a pin in it and everything else would go away as well. It wasn't until I went to see "Abraham", a group of non-physical teachers that I realized the depth of this idea.

The woman who brings these messages of Abraham, Esther Hicks, started talking about empowering and dis-empowering emotions. She stated that Anger is the best "jumping off" place there is. If you can bring a person from sadness to anger, you have actually brought them to a much higher place. Of course, EFT has the power to release anger and everything else shoots out with it. When you think about it anger is a very empowering emotion. When you feel angry, you want to DO something! Kick a little butt, scream and cuss but you sure don't feel like a victim! With EFT releasing anger you heal yourself from a place of empowerment.

GC COMMENT: The term "empowerment" has multiple meanings. As used here, Rebecca is referring to anger bringing about a personal feeling of being "in charge", at least for the moment. In spiritual terms, anger is very dis-empowering because separates you from love. Just some perspective.

REBECCA CONTINUES: Sadness, grief, depression, abuse are all dis-empowering emotions. Anger has the power to blow the cork of your emotional volcano and release the turmoil below. Following is a case study of the volcano technique in action.

My client, Mary Louise, came to me with issues of sadness and abandonment because her father was never there for her. Although Mary Louise is well into her sixties, she still carried this pain.

Rebecca- Mary Louise, I would like to try a little different approach with you. Are you willing to get in touch with your feelings of anger about your father leaving you?

Mary Louise- Yes, I am.

Rebecca- Imagine that you are a little girl again and you're tuning in to your feelings about your dad not being there. I give you permission to be angry, spiteful and as vindictive as you like! No judgment here. If you could tell him anything you liked and you knew it would not hurt anyone as we are only doing this for therapeutic purposes, what would you like to tell him?

Mary Louise- I would like to tell him I feel angry because he left me, he should have stayed, he should have been responsible. He should not have been so selfish!

Rebecca- Still imagining that you are a hurt, angry, little girl, and you could imagine that you could do anything to your dad physically, what would you do?

Mary Louise- I would like to just kick him right in the shin for leaving me! That would feel really good!

GC COMMENT: The term "kick him right in the shin" may be appropriate for Mary Louise. In my experience, however, such terms may still be "too nice" and thus I would be tempted to look for stronger words.

Rebecca- On a scale of 1-10 about how angry do you feel with him right now?

Mary Louise- About an 8, there's a lot of hurt mixed in with it.

Rebecca- Just follow me and repeat what I say. Begin with the sore chest spot.

Rebecc-, rubbing sore chest spot "Even though I'm so mad at you dad, you left me, I'd like to kick you right in the shin, I love and accept myself."

At the eyebrow, I'm mad at you dad,

SE - You had no right to leave me,

UE- I'd like to kick you right in the shin, you hurt me!

UN - I'm mad at you,

UL- I'm so mad at you,

CB - I'm MAD at you dad,

UA - I'm so mad,

UB - I'm really really mad!

Rebecca- How did that feel?

Mary Louise- Really great! (Laughing a little) I've been wanting to tell him off for years! Even though he's dead, it felt so good to get it off my chest.

Rebecca- Tuning into your anger on a scale of 1-10, what number would you give it now?

Mary Louise- About a 3.

Rebecca- Do you feel ready to put in a positive choice now?

Mary Louise-Yes.

Rebecca- Instead of feeling so angry and hurt, how would you rather feel?

Mary Louise- I would rather feel compassionate and forgiving and put this all behind me.

Mary Louise and I did a round for "even though my father left me, I choose to release that anger, forgive, and move forward with my life."

At the end of two rounds of the positive choice Mary Louise felt that her anger and hurt had dissipated completely. She was able to look forward to living the rest of her life free of this burden.

Using the power of anger to empty the hot lava flow of suppressed emotions leaves you free to fill yourself with joy and peace. Often after a round of really passionate verbiage, the whole thing becomes very humorous and everyone is laughing. I must warn you though; using this method may dissipate the anger so completely, you may never be able to pull it up again no matter how hard you try.

So practitioners, give your clients permission to be angry. They may have been waiting their whole life for it.

Rebecca Marina


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary



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