Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.
Hi Everyone,
Wayne Clayton-Robb from the UK gives us two experiences to study. I intersperse a comment within his message.
Hugs, Gary
by Wayne Clayton-Robb
Hi Gary,
My name is Wayne Clayton-Robb. I am a clinical hypnotherapist and analytical and cognitive therapist. I am also an NLP practitioner and a Reiki Master.
I first came across EFT about 9 months ago, when I got talking to a lady called Chris Hardisty, at a Roy Hunter workshop in London. I later contacted her and she put me in touch with Silvia Hartmann-Kent. Silvia very kindly loaned me the complete training package and I have to say that I spent many hours absolutely fascinated by what I saw.
I practised on myself and friends and was amazed by what I saw taking place. I became a member of the UK AMT and decided that EFT must become an integral part of my work as a therapist.
If I may here, I would briefly like to mention 2 unusual cases.
Case 1. An elderly man, who had been a prisoner of the Japanese during world war 2. As a result of his experiences, he became very distressed whenever it was windy. This took him straight back into memories of howling winds blowing down the POW huts, which he and his colleagues were compelled to re-erect regardless of the fact that they had just spent 12 hours toiling on the Burma railway, with very space nourishment.
He came to my house on a WINDY day with his wife and he was clearly afraid. We worked out in the garden and within half an hour of tapping, he went from 9 to zero on this issue. This case also introduced me to the apex effect, when my client, having recorded a zero and being unable to re-produce his fear despite the strong wind and my equally strong suggestions, decided that he could not register anything because he was "CONFUSED." I'm pleased to say that in contacting him 1 week, 1 month and 3 months later, he remained "CONFUSED" and has not been troubled by the terrible thoughts and memories that have plagued him for over 50 years.
GC COMMENT: This apex effect is a term coined by Dr. Roger Callahan to indicate the client's propensity to explain away their obvious relief. To some people, it is just not believable that tapping could produce these results--regardless of the clear benefits. Thus, they attempt to explain it by other means. Being "CONFUSED" is but one of many phrases clients use. A more common response is that the client "can't think about it any more." Upon investigation, however, it is discovered that they can, indeed, recount the former traumatic incident in great detail. However, the intense charge is missing and this is interpreted as being unable to think about the problem. What they really mean is that they can't think about the problem in the same way as before.
Another apex type response is the client who says, "All the years of previous therapy finally worked for me." They achieve relief immediately after (or during) tapping but, to them, tapping couldn't have been the true cause of their new freedom. Why? Because it doesn't "compute" nor match their belief systems. So they conclude that it must have come from "real therapy" (talk therapy, etc.) and somehow, as if by magic, all that previous emotional work chose this moment to be effective. This is non-sensical, of course, but some people are more prone to believe such drivel than to give credit to the tapping. A comedy writer would find great material here.
Case 2: This is unusual ( unless of course you know different). This was a young man with a phobia of fruit. He could not bear to see it, smell it or touch it and the thought of eating it was anathema to him. To cut a long story short, I brought a bowl of fruit salad in to him, had him sniff the bowl and attempt to taste the fruit and he begged me to take it away or he would barf (I love that word), all over my lovely carpet. One hour later , he ate the fruit and has been eating it ever since.
Looking at my records, I have now used EFT with about 80 clients and with a success rate that is way in excess of anything else I have ever used.
God Bless and Good Wishes,
Wayne Clayton-Robb
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